
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Case studies on civil society making sustainability transitions

We make transition! collected a variety of inspiring success stories of “civil society [...]

New educational modules for social entrepreneurs are available

The social economy is a business model that works for the future of [...]

Staying Resilient: 8 Ways to Prevent Burnout Working in Social Economy

Staying resilient while working in a social enterprise requires adopting unconventional strategies to avoid burnout. While social entrepreneurs often face unique challenges that can lead to burnout, including working with limited resources, managing complex projects, and balancing multiple stakeholders, there are many ways to prevent burnout beyond taking breaks and practicing self-care. Here are eight strategies to help social entrepreneurs stay energized and motivated [...]

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How does Social Entrepreneurship relate with Sustainable Development Goals?

Social entrepreneurship is the process by which individuals, startups and entrepreneurs develop and [...]

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How to write a press release to achieve social impact?

A press release is an effective tool to disseminate information to the media and the [...]

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How to advance gender equality through the social economy? 

The social economy is an essential field in promoting gender equality. In most [...]

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Social Enterprise and The Green Transition 

In recent years, we’ve seen a pretty revolutionary cultural shift from consumers, from [...]

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Definition of LESE and Why They Need Support

The term ‘Social Economy’ is one that is being used more and more [...]

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6 Questions To Ask Before You Start A Social Enterprise

Eager to change the world? Here’s what you need to figure out before [...]

ILO and the OECD adopt international documents on the social economy

On Friday 9 June and Saturday 10 June, two international organizations, the International [...]

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