EU Support to Incubators for inclusive and social entrepreneurship

EU launched a call for proposals to support incubators for inclusive and social entrepreneurship on February 26, 2020. Applications are accepted until April 30, 2020. More information and text of the call. The total budget earmarked for the EU co-financing of projects under this call is estimated at 1 300 000 EUR. The EU grant…

There is a different phenomenon occurring: Instead of technology innovation being the driver for startups, it is more frequently business model innovation.

There is a different phenomenon occurring: Instead of technology innovation being the driver for startups, it is more frequently business model innovation.

In the past most startups occurred because a new technology had come along that would provide solution to a problem that could not be solved previously. (As an example, an unmet need was the pain of creating and editing documents. The solution was word processing, and the technological trigger that made this possible was the…

It matters how your business model and mission statement is articulated

It matters how your business model and mission statement is articulated

Scholars from Lappeenranta University have been researching social enterprise business models for years. Some time ago they focused their research on health care sector. The study looked at six health care companies with social enterprise characteristics. They were analyzed about their business model and financial success over the past three years. The sample included social…

How to Stop Procrastination: A social entrepreneur’s toolkit
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How to Stop Procrastination: A social entrepreneur’s toolkit

How to stop procrastination? Through action. Procrastination is the child of endless excuses of why something cannot be done. I’m sure, if prompted one could come up with a whole list of reasons “why not something won’t succeed“ or “why it’s not worth doing”. The remedy: it’s the active doing that will ‘break the spell’…

Webinar about the Polish support programme “From exclusion to activation”

Webinar about the Polish support programme “From exclusion to activation”

During the webinar, the guidelines and recommendations of the amended program of assistance for socially and professionally excluded persons addressed to social employment entities and NGOs were discussed, as well as the rules of the “From exclusion to activation” competition announced by the Department of Social and Solidarity Economy at the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social…

New kid on the block – from Israel changes team work

New kid on the block – from Israel changes team work

Today we are going to review, a work collaboration tool and project management software for all kinds of teams. I have used earlier to manage projects, and have seen teams grow comfortable as they use the platform to collaborate. Formerly known as DaPulse, rebranded itself in 2017 to give the platform a…

The Rise of Hybrids

The Rise of Hybrids

The Rise of Hybrids: A Note for Social Entrepreneurship Educators is a new paper written by ranchers and educators from Belgium and USA emphasizing the lack of focus on hybrid organizing when teaching and training social entrepreneurs. Social entrepreneurship mix social logic with economic logic, so the hybridity is one of social entrepreneurships inherent characteristics….