Social Impact Investment – Best Practices and Recommendations for the Next Generation
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Social Impact Investment – Best Practices and Recommendations for the Next Generation

We recommend to read and learn from this study prepared for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs called “Social Impact Investment – Best Practices and Recommendations for the Next Generation” (Mackevičiūtė, R. et al., Social Impact Investment – Best practices and recommendations for the next generation, Publication for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs,…

Microsoft Global – Social Entrepreneurship
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Microsoft Global – Social Entrepreneurship

Are you an innovator impacting our world for the better? Whether you’re addressing skills development, sustainability or accessibility, we’re passionate about supporting your social venture with technology, connections and community to help your team thrive. What is the Microsoft Global Social Entrepreneurship Program? The Microsoft Global Social Entrepreneurship Program supports social impact startups with technology,…

Koch Internship Program for Careers in Social Entrepreneurship
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Koch Internship Program for Careers in Social Entrepreneurship

The Koch Internship Program (KIP) is a paid dynamic experiential internship program in U.S. It blends educational opportunities with real work experience. While participating in KIP, interns are placed at non-profit organizations and spend their week working on important issues that affect our world. Every week, interns attend professional development sessions that build the skills needed to contribute effectively in the workplace.   Through KIP, interns learn…

Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility: Differences and Points in Common
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Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility: Differences and Points in Common

The recent global crisis has left evidence in social problems that limit the sustainable human development. Also the link between enterprises and society, allows us to analyze that there are many things to be done to mitigate these effects of the current economic model in favor of improving the quality of life society. There are…

Advantages of Hybrid Organising in Social Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Norway

Advantages of Hybrid Organising in Social Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Norway

Hybrid organising within the context of social entrepreneurship is on the rise. At the same time, social entrepreneurial ventures that adopt hybrid organising are often criticized. The literature on hybridity points to particular challenges for social entrepreneurial ventures such as conflicting institutional logics and tensions related to their dual identity and/or mission drift. Drawing on the literature on hybrid…

Implementing public procurement of innovations in an organization: lessons from Norway

Implementing public procurement of innovations in an organization: lessons from Norway

The purpose of this paper is to explore the drivers, enablers, barriers, key success factors, pitfalls and benefits of implementing public procurement of innovations (PPoI) in an organization. The study revealed that implementation of PPoI represents significant change in an organization, and thus, it identifies key enablers and barriers that organizations must overcome. Furthermore, the…

Social inequalities, social trust and civic participation — the case of Norway

Social inequalities, social trust and civic participation — the case of Norway

Comparative studies have generally demonstrated high levels of social capital in the Scandinavian welfare states. It has also been shown that social capital is generally higher among more privileged groups of people than among less privileged groups. However, less is known about how the different types of social inequalities relate to various types of social…

A guide to growing and scaling your social enterprise

A guide to growing and scaling your social enterprise

The organization MovingWorlds has helped 900 social enterprises around the world scale their businesses over the years. They have done so with help using their Experteers, Capacity Building Programs, research, and educational programming. Their experience is that many social enterprise startups fall short of their projections and end up giving up. There is a number…