Let’s do it together! Handbook for  local collaborative social innovation
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Let’s do it together! Handbook for local collaborative social innovation

This handbook is written for, and in a Norwegian local context. It is namely the case that in Norway welfare is in fact created mainly locally in the country’s 426 (current) municipalities. It is therefore more meaningful to talk about the welfare municipalities rather than the welfare state in Norway. Good collaborative social innovation work is…


New training material for social entrepreneurs have been prepared in Lithuanian

The project “Empowering Women from Ethnic Minorities through Social Business Enterprises” (EMwoSE) aims to increase the employment of women from ethnic minorities by providing them with the knowledge, practical skills and counseling needed to engage in the world of social business enterprises.

Socially Responsible Public Procurement: Its Role and Applications
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Socially Responsible Public Procurement: Its Role and Applications

Public procurement affects a large number of people, whether they are users of public services, workers involved in production and delivery, or staff of the buying organisation. Public authorities can engage in Socially Responsible Public Procurement (SRPP) by buying ethical products and services, and by using public tenders to create socially just societies. Social entrepreneurship…

Campus StarterKit for faculty and staff
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Campus StarterKit for faculty and staff

The Campus Starter Kit is designed to help higher education leaders build hubs of social innovation by tapping into the creativity and ingenuity of the campus community. While every campus is unique in its institutional identity and culture, educational vision, and student body, we hope to provide broadly applicable resources to help foster awareness and…

MIRO – where teams get works done
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MIRO – where teams get works done

The online collaborative whiteboard platform to bring teams together, anytime, anywhere. For a while, we’ve been hearing that remote work and therefore remote jobs are the trend of the future. However, in 2020 there are enough people working across different offices, satellite hubs, coworking spaces, cafes, home offices, and backyard sheds on a given day that it’s clear: “remote…

Handbook for trainers in Social Entrepreneurship
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Handbook for trainers in Social Entrepreneurship

The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development presents the handbook created for trainers regarding the training courses in Social Economy and Entrepreneurship. The educational material was created in the framework of the European project ERASMUS+ entitled “Open Mind – gamified platform and open online course in Social Entrepreneurship for female learners and students from diverse fields of study”. Open Mind…

Raising Venture Capital With Impact – Webinar Series in Feb-Mar
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Raising Venture Capital With Impact – Webinar Series in Feb-Mar

The EIB Institute is hosting a series of five webinars on “Raising venture capital with impact” with Wladimir Nikoluk from ImmerLearn . This series will explore how entrepreneurs can successfully use impact measurement to raise funding from existing and emerging venture capital funds. Session 1: Raising venture capital with impact – An introduction General introduction to trends…