
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline


Yearly Archives: 2021


How Lithuania Transformed Into a Social Entrepreneurship Hub

With just 3 million inhabitants, Lithuania is a little known Baltic State that [...]

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First Steps into Business Success: a new way of learning about social entrepreneurship!

The e-learning First Steps into Business Success platform allows you to earn about entrepreneurship, [...]

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Workplace by Facebook

Workplace: internal social network for business. Facebook at Work supports collaboration; allows you to [...]

PACT FOR IMPACT: Creating an international network of SSE actors / social entrepreneurship

Within the framework of the project Pact for Impact launched by the French [...]

5 Ways Gen Z is Influencing Social Entrepreneurship

Gen Z may as well be called “Generation Social Impact”. For reasons previously [...]

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How to create a social incubator – Report analysing best practices in Europe, structuring ideal incubator phases, timing, limitations, risks management of people with socially excluded backgrounds.

The Social SEED Erasmus+ project partnership composed of partners coming from Spain, Italy, [...]

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Social enterprise finance market: analysis and recommendations for delivery options

This report by EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion [...]

In France, a mission-based approach is seen as a commitment versus an opportunity!

Inspiration from France! In France, a mission-based approach is seen as a commitment [...]

Sotsiaalse ettevõtluse ja sotsiaalsete ettevõtete arengu stimuleerimine Eestis

Strateegia süvaanalüüs Käesolev raport esitab Eesti sotsiaalse innovatsiooni, sotsiaalse ettevõtluse ja sotsiaalsete ettevõtete [...]

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that [...]