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/Anita Stirāne

About Anita Stirāne

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So far Anita Stirāne has created 772 blog entries.

Social Enterprise as a Mechanism of Youth Empowerment

Liang Shang from the City University of Hong Kong and Yanto Chandra from [...]

Social Entrepreneurship Incubation Program

Meet Social Entrepreneurship Incubation Program, incubation Program that Supports Social Entrepreneurs on their Journey [...]

Business models for social entrepreneurs in a time with Corona

Tara Anderson has written series of three articles for Pioneers Post on social [...]

Recording of the Social Entrepreneurship Summit in Lithuania on Impact Investments is available online

On May 7th a large group of partners has organized annual Social Entrepreneurship [...]

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Iceland: 39 well-being indicators

Scotland, Iceland and New Zealand established the Wellbeing Economy Goverments (WeGo) initiative in [...]

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Clipster, co-living and start-ups in Gdansk

Today we present you the article about CLIPSTER -  is a co-living/co-working startup accelerator program [...]

15 collaboration tools for productive teams

In these time during the COVID-19 epidemic alot of social enterprise teams are [...]

Impact Startup Denmark – new development programe for social entrepreneurs

Den Sociale Kapitalfond (The Social Capital Fund) and Industriens Fond (danish Industry Fund) [...]

RIA Cyber ​​Protection Guide for Entrepreneurs

This week, the Information System Authority (RIA) launched a new cybersecurity campaign, ‘Be [...]

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Learn­ing ma­ter­ial for com­mu­nity ac­tiv­a­tion and par­ti­cip­a­tion from ViSEnet project

As many countries rural areas are facing the same contemporary societal challenges, such [...]