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/Anita Stirāne

About Anita Stirāne

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So far Anita Stirāne has created 772 blog entries.

Anbefalinger til den offentlig administration i kommuner til effektive værktøjer, der kan stimulere udviklingen af socialøkonomiske opstartsvirksomheder

Sociale Entreprenører i Danmark har sammen med organisationer i Sverige, Finland, Polen, Estland, [...]

Socialøkonomisk Virksomhed – Erfaringer med opstart og drift af socialøkonomisk virksomhed

"Socialøkonomisk Virksomhed - Erfaringer med opstart og drift af socialøkonomisk virksomhed" er en [...]

Social Effektanalyse Håndbog

Social Effektanalyse Håndbog er en ny lille publikation som viser, hvordan socialøkonomiske virksomheder, [...]

Socialøkonomiske virksomheder – øjebliksbillede fra landene omkring det Baltiske Hav

Rapporten Social Enterprise Sector Snapshot Around The Baltic Sea giver et øjebliksbillede af [...]

Selected impact analysis resources in English

Hereby please find some of the greatest hits of impact analysis materials in [...]

Getting Finance for Social Enterprise Sector in Sweden

Over the last years several new initiatives and funding opportunities have been established [...]

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Successful Business Models in Lithuania – case 3: Food Bank

Food Bank Lithuania is a typical food recovery and redistribution charity/social enterprise. It's [...]

Successful Business Models in Lithuania – case 1: Socialinis Taksi

Social enterprise Socialinis Taksi (Social Taxi) is providing subsidised taxi services to the [...]

Successful Business Models in Sweden – case 1: Inclusive Business Sweden

Inclusive Business Sweden serves as a platform for creating awareness of inclusive business, [...]

Snapshot on Social Entrepreneurship Development in Sweden

Sweden has a tradition of social movements going back to 19th century, though [...]

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