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Collaboration tools

/Collaboration tools

Trello is handy PM and collaboration tool

Trello is an awesome project management tool that makes collaboration easy and, dare I say, even fun. But this visual list tool can do so much more, whether you're organizing work projects, family chores, travel [...]

How to use snapchat for business

Did you know that close to 9000 pictures are shared on Snapchat every second? Or that it would take you over 10 years to view all the photos shared on Snapchat the last hour? http://www.innomag.no/just-snap- [...]


EdCast is an integrated personalized learning and live stream channel where one can get knowledge content from various thought-leaders, innovators and alike.  One of its strengths is that the channel can easily be integrated into [...]


Meerkat is a live streaming tool, a bit like Blab and Periscope, but focusing on groups.  What also stands out in relation to the other two channels above is that Meerkat lets you schedule a livestream [...]


Periscope is a live streaming tool that is owned by Twitter and one can thereby access lots of information about other people on twitter who you follow and also you can invite into the video [...]


Blab is a live steaming tool that enables you to join up to four-person video conversations. As a participant in a "Blab" you can request to join any chat that’s going on and switch place [...]