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Educational Materials

//Educational Materials

This section covers informative and visual materials, that provide educational support for social entrepreneurs. These materials include, but are not limited to books, articles, video materials, infographics and others.

What Social Enterprise Is and Is Not

What Social Enterprise Is Social enterprise is,  about using a market-driven business model to address critical social and environmental issues. Many people believe that a fundamental element of social enterprise - is collective ownership. Until we [...]

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Social Innovation Toolkit 2018

NESTA from UK has created useful Toolkit on Social Innovation that can be of help to every aspiring social entrepreneur (the link is below). How can we create more economic, social and environmental value in [...]

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Three books for every social entrepreneur

Are you a social entrepreneur who experienced challenges and now you’re seeking for some fresh solutions or inspiration to keep doing your good job? Are you a beginner who is lost in this vast field [...]

Smart villages – a new way providing services in rural areas

European Network for Rural Development published a material about Smart Villages in May 2018. There is a full overview about the concept of Smart Villages, the meaning and importance of the concept. Community-lead actions are [...]

Wykorzystanie komercyjnych modeli procesowych przedsiębiorstw w tworzeniu zintegrowanych modeli przedsiębiorstwa społecznego opartych na holistycznych koncepcjach

Polecamy apoznanie się z artykułem Małgorzaty Kurleto "Wykorzystanie komercyjnych modeli procesowych przedsiębiorstw w tworzeniu zintegrowanych modeli przedsiębiorstwa społecznego opartych na holistycznych koncepcjach". This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project co-funded by [...]

Building a Successful Social Venture:

Building a Successful Social Venture: A Guide for Social Entrepreneurs is a new book by Eric Carlson and  James Koch both from Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University in USA. The book is one of the [...]

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