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Educational Materials

//Educational Materials

This section covers informative and visual materials, that provide educational support for social entrepreneurs. These materials include, but are not limited to books, articles, video materials, infographics and others.

Social(i)Makers: Social Innovation Academy

Are you inspired to make a change? Do you wish to become involved in shaping a better future? Are you passionate for new ideas and creative collaboration with others? If your answers are YES, then [...]

By |Categories: Blog, Educational Materials, English|0 Comments

Initiatives to promote social entrepreneurship and social innovation in the Nordic countries

Report Social entrepreneurship and social innovation - Initiatives to promote social entrepreneurship and social innovation in the Nordic countries presents the results from a survey of initiatives to support social entrepreneurship and social innovation in [...]

By |Categories: Educational Materials, English, Library|0 Comments

Porównanie koncepcji wsparcia rozwoju ekonomii społecznej w Polsce

Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z kompleksową publikacją „Porównanie koncepcji wsparcia rozwoju ekonomii społecznej na poziomie regionalnym i krajowym na podstawie wieloletnich regionalnych planów działań na rzecz promocji i upowszechnienia ekonomii społecznej oraz rozwoju instytucji sektora ekonomii [...]

Four types of Impact

As social entrepreneurs we have become quite familiar with the term impact, as it’s the way we bring our mission vision statement to life and create change in society. Across all the different types of [...]

Finnish Online courses on impact assessment

Want to learn how to develop skills in impact assessment or writing a story about your impact? Impact assessment online courses are now available in Finnish through online video platform Videokoulutus.fi There are several courses  [...]

Socialinis verslas: ar iš gero darbo galima uždirbti?

Sugalvoti, kaip užsidirbti pinigų – jau nieko nestebina, tačiau sugalvoti, kaip spręsti socialinę problemą ir gauti pelno – naujas įšūkis.Visuomenei socialinio verslo sąvoka ne visada suprantama – kaip įmanoma suderinti pelną ir gerą darbą? Kaip [...]

By |Categories: Blog, Inspiration, Lithuanian|0 Comments