
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline


Educational Materials

//Educational Materials

This section covers informative and visual materials, that provide educational support for social entrepreneurs. These materials include, but are not limited to books, articles, video materials, infographics and others.

Руководство по социальному предпринимательству

Образовательный модуль для социальных предпринимателей Добро пожаловать в Руководство по социальному предпринимательству - образовательный модуль для социальных предпринимателей.   «Будь тем изменением, которое ты хочешь увидеть в мире»/Ганди Об учебном модуле Целевая аудитория:  Те, кто [...]

The European Social Innovation Toolkit

The European Social Innovation Toolkit aims to support social innovators all across Europe to develop their ideas, and contains a set of tools and resources that you can use to transform your social innovation idea [...]

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Steps towards impact – Tools and examples

We all long for simple tools and examples how to understand the logic of stepping towards social impact. Finnish innovation fund Sitra has for 3 years built a impact investment ecosystem in Finland, and as [...]

Book review: Reinventing organizations by Frederic Laloux

When running your social enterprise, have you ever wondered if there is a different way of doing organizational tasks and assigning titles than the traditional hierarchical structure with decisions being made mostly top down? Frederick [...]

How to Start a Social Purpose Business

Take a look at our 10-step framework for starting up a Social Purpose Business. If you’re an aspiring or established entrepreneur with a passion for a social or environmental issue, there are growing opportunities available. [...]

By |Categories: Educational Materials, English|1 Comment

Educational Module for Social Entrepreneurs

Social Enterprise Guide "Educational Module for Social Entrepreneurs" Social entrepreneurs are motivated by the desire to make changes for the better. It is a phenomenon that is gaining more national and international attention. If you [...]