
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline


Educational Materials

//Educational Materials

This section covers informative and visual materials, that provide educational support for social entrepreneurs. These materials include, but are not limited to books, articles, video materials, infographics and others.

The Platform Design Toolkit 2.0

The new tool has been published to assist entrepreneurs and organizations to look at business and activities, to design strategies, products and organizations "as a platform." As a synthesis of different definitions, developers say that [...]

Roman Aranin: wheelchair pilot

Roman Aranin is a social entrepreneur from Kaliningrad (Russia). In the past, a military pilot, then a successful entrepreneur, Roman broke on a paraglider. The result is an almost complete lack of ability to move [...]

Przewodnik po Przedsiębiorczości Społecznej

Przewodnik po Przedsiębiorczości Społecznej Kurs edukacyjny dla przedsiębiorców społecznych Witamy! Witamy w Przewodniku po Przedsiębiorczości Społecznej – kursie edukacyjnym dla przedsiębiorców społecznych!   O module szkoleniowym:  Grupa docelowa:  1.     Osoby, które są zainteresowane przedsiębiorczością, a [...]

Support mechanisms for social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region

Download here paper written by Renate Lukjanska (Rezekne Academy of Technologies), Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło (Uniwersytet Gdañski) and Julia Kuznecova (Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration) and published in International Business and Global Economy 2017, no. 36, pp. 262–274 [...]

ToolKit: how to promote social economy among young people?

Read here the newest educational material - "ToolKit: how to promote social economy among young people?" which is the result of the project  „SOCIAL BUSINESS FOR INCLUSION” (KA1, Erasmus+), written by Ewa Solarz and Anna [...]

SAMforSE – A Self-Assessment Manual for Social Entrepreneurs

The buzz is steadily increasing about tools that measure the impact of social enterprises and standardized metrics for assessing social, economic, and environmental impact. However, there are currently no easily applicable tools for social entrepreneurs [...]