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Educational Materials

//Educational Materials

This section covers informative and visual materials, that provide educational support for social entrepreneurs. These materials include, but are not limited to books, articles, video materials, infographics and others.

Social Entrepreneurships in Education

Social entrepreneurship (SE) is slowly making its way into the education system. Social entrepreneurship is already a concept taught in universities around the world, and some examples of SE education can be found at schools [...]

Model biznesowy Canvas w przedsiębiorczości społęcznej

Model biznesowy to narzędzie, które pozwala rzutem oka ogarnąć procesy wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne „przedsiębiorstwa” po to, żeby zrozumieć co, dla kogo i w jakiej kolejności robić, żeby przedsiębiorstwo mogło funkcjonować sprawnie. W czasach szybko zmieniających [...]

8 Keys To Crowdfunding Success For Social Entrepreneurs

Crowdfunding means different things to different people, but it almost always means raising money from the public. For social entrepreneurs, it is all about changing the world. Read more about the most important features of successful [...]

Guide to Social Change Buzzwords

Social Change Central has produced a small guide with the different words, that are used in the the social arena. Words  like "Social Impact", "Intrapreneurship", "Benefit Corporation", "Shared Value" etc.. It is important to understand what [...]

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Business model in Iceland: Karolina Fund & Karolina Engine

“Karolina Fund is a startup company from Iceland. They are the winners of the Nordic Startup Awards 2016 (Social Tech) and co-founders of the Nordic Crowdfunding Alliance. Karolina Fund aims to become a next generation [...]

Storytelling for the social entrepreneur

Stories evoke emotions as the audience connects with you as an individual and as an organization. As Mia Angelo famously said: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you [...]

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