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Educational Materials

//Educational Materials

This section covers informative and visual materials, that provide educational support for social entrepreneurs. These materials include, but are not limited to books, articles, video materials, infographics and others.

Social Enterprise: Business Doing Good MOOC

Are you looking for free online resources to learn about social entrepreneurship? Thankfully there are now a few online courses and most recently available is the Social Enterprise: Business Doing Good MOOC. It is one [...]

By |Categories: Blog, Educational Materials, English|Tags: , |0 Comments


NYA FINANSIERINGSFORMER FÖR SOCIAL INNOVATION En internationell utblick om impact investment Utgivare: Mötesplats Social Innovation (MSI) Rapportförfattare: Camilla Backström Verksamhetsansvarig för området Finansiering och Effektmätning vid Mötesplats Social Innovation. Camilla var del av det team [...]

By |Categories: Educational Materials, Library, Swedish|0 Comments

Dar kartą apie socialinį verslą

Europoje, kurios dalis esame ir mes, siekiant konkurencingos socialinės ekonomikos , socialinės inovacijos yra būtinos. Nors pastaraisiais metais daug girdima ir kalbama apie socialinį verslą, kuris galima sakyti ir yra socialinė inovacija, vis dar šioje [...]

A Guide for Social Entrepreneurs: Collect and Report!

"Know Your Impact: Social Impact Management Tools for Young Social Entrepreneurs" is the project lead by Koç University Social Impact Forum (KUSIF), that works as a research and practice centre on social impact in Turkey. [...]

Crowdsourcing platform for social enterprises – ImpactYouth

To introduce opportunities and alternative resources to support the social entrepreneurship run by youth in Baltic states, the project ImpactYouth was developed in cooperation of Social innovation centre (Latvia), Viesoji istaiga Bendruomeniu kaitos centras  (Lithuania), INVOLVED (Estonia), VIAINDUSTRIAE (Italy) and Makesense (France), [...]

Strategic Foresight of Tomorrow’s Land – Who Are Social Innovators of Next Generation?

Being a social innovator means to think about the future - own, community's and whole society's welbeing of next decades. The only way social innovator can be prepared to tackle with future challenges is to accumulate knowledges, [...]