
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




The Ultimate Guide to Social Entrepreneurship

1. What is Social Entrepreneurship Social entrepreneurship uses business to offer new ideas for wide-scale social and environmental impact. Social entrepreneurship unites the passion of a social mission with an image of business-like discipline, innovation, [...]

A guide to social impact measurement

Social Ventures Australia (SVA) is a not-for-profit organization helping organisations, government, funders and corporates delivering better social outcomes for people. "A guide to social impact measurement" Sharing knowledge on impact measurement is one of the [...]

Social Entrepreneurship Support in Latvia – Assessment in Short

The Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia has come with the evaluation report on the Social entrepreneurship support system in Latvia (full report available in Latvian), specifically focusing on the assessment of socially [...]

Social enterprise finance market: analysis and recommendations for delivery options

This report by EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion provides a technical analysis of the finance market for social enterprises. It identifies market failures and funding gaps in social enterprise finance [...]

In France, a mission-based approach is seen as a commitment versus an opportunity!

Inspiration from France! In France, a mission-based approach is seen as a commitment versus an opportunity - La Loi Pacte was amended to encourage companies to be more social. Last year, in collaboration with Dealroom, [...]

Sotsiaalse ettevõtluse ja sotsiaalsete ettevõtete arengu stimuleerimine Eestis

Strateegia süvaanalüüs Käesolev raport esitab Eesti sotsiaalse innovatsiooni, sotsiaalse ettevõtluse ja sotsiaalsete ettevõtete jaoks kindlaks määratud strateegilise ökosüsteemi süvaanalüüsi. See tuvastab riigi peamised tugevad ja probleemsed küljed ning esitab strateegilised soovitused tugevama strateegilise ökosüsteemi arengu [...]