
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




UpLink – a place where ideas can become a reality

Imagine you had a 'eureka' moment - an idea for a new way of doing something that could, in some way, make the world a better place. How would you go about turning that idea [...]

The Good Business Roadmap

Sara Sophie Osterholzer has developed The Good Business Roadmap, which is a step-by-step guide to supporting first-time social entrepreneurs in getting their business up and running quickly and helping to provide the right foundation for [...]

IKEA Social Entrepreneurship

You all have probably heard of IKEA - a Swedish home furnishings company and world's largest furniture retailer since 2008.  But did you know IKEA backs and boosts social entrepreneurs all over the world? IKEA has long since [...]

Let’s do it together! Handbook for local collaborative social innovation

This handbook is written for, and in a Norwegian local context. It is namely the case that in Norway welfare is in fact created mainly locally in the country's 426 (current) municipalities. It is therefore more [...]

By |Categories: Educational Materials, Library, Norway|1 Comment

New training material for social entrepreneurs have been prepared in Lithuanian

The project “Empowering Women from Ethnic Minorities through Social Business Enterprises” (EMwoSE) aims to increase the employment of women from ethnic minorities by providing them with the knowledge, practical skills and counseling needed to engage in the world of social business enterprises. […]

By |Categories: Educational Materials, Lithuanian|0 Comments

Socially Responsible Public Procurement: Its Role and Applications

Public procurement affects a large number of people, whether they are users of public services, workers involved in production and delivery, or staff of the buying organisation. Public authorities can engage in Socially Responsible Public [...]