
Platform Documentation
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Venner – So that no one has to be hungry

An exciting social start-up in Finland There's an exciting fresh social start-up in Finland that tackles the problem of uneven health provision of the society. It's called Venner. Venner offers a completely new, simple and [...]

By |Categories: Blog, Successful Business Models|1 Comment

Social enterprise learning materials from Visenet

Ruralia Institute in Finland is currently working on a project,  which aims to create social enterprise learning materials, guidance and networking. Visenet - Village social enterprise learning material, guidance and networking  aims to (amongst others) enhance [...]

By |Categories: Blog, Educational Materials, English|7 Comments

Infinite Game – a business model approach by Simon Sinek

You may have come across Simon Sinek´s work related to the "Start with Why" book, where he differentiates between your why, what you do and how you do it. Successful companies start with Why: the [...]

Flow State – a social entrepreneur’s ideal mindset

Being in a flow state is the epitome of being in a state of being in the moment. Flow state is what I believe we’re all looking for when we’re fully engaged in something on [...]

Educational module “Social entrepreneur’s competencies and mindset”

In August this year, Social innovation center from Latvia are completing a two-year project with the support of Nordplus Adult Education Program "Boosting Key Mindset for Successful Social Business Development", which is being implemented with [...]

APMĀCĪBU MODULIS Sociālā uzņēmēja prasmes un domāšanas veids

Uzņēmējdarbība, pielietojot inovācijas ar mērķi veicināt ekonomisko izaugsmi, darbojas kā pasaules dzinējspēks. Iepretim sociālie uzņēmēji,  atpazīstot sociālu problēmu un tās risināšanai pielietojot uzņēmējdarbības principus, tiecas radīt, organizēt un pārvaldīt pārmaiņas sabiedrībā. Tomēr bez atbilstošām spējām [...]