
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Socialinio verslo aplinka

Nors daug kalbama apie socialinio verslo naudą šalies ekonomikai , šalies Ūkio ir inovacijų ministerija tik 2015 metais pateikė  socialinio verslo koncepciją ir  rekomendacijas šiam verslui vystyti. Ar gali socialinis verslas sumažinti skurdą ir atskirtį [...]

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Social impact investment in the Nordic-Baltic Region – Ideas and opportunities, needs and challenges using examples from Estonia, Latvia and Finland

A Nordic-Baltic regional project “Social impact investment regional cooperation plan for Estonia, Latvia and Finland” has published a comprehensive map of the current situation in social impact investment within Nordic-Baltic region. The aim of the [...]

Social Entrepreneurships in Education

Social entrepreneurship (SE) is slowly making its way into the education system. Social entrepreneurship is already a concept taught in universities around the world, and some examples of SE education can be found at schools [...]

Social entrepreneurship and STEM

One of the directions of social entrepreneurship, supported by many special projects and programmes, is education of children. The article focuses on the implementation of modern teaching methods, suitable for the needs of 21st century, [...]

Model biznesowy Canvas w przedsiębiorczości społęcznej

Model biznesowy to narzędzie, które pozwala rzutem oka ogarnąć procesy wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne „przedsiębiorstwa” po to, żeby zrozumieć co, dla kogo i w jakiej kolejności robić, żeby przedsiębiorstwo mogło funkcjonować sprawnie. W czasach szybko zmieniających [...]

8 Keys To Crowdfunding Success For Social Entrepreneurs

Crowdfunding means different things to different people, but it almost always means raising money from the public. For social entrepreneurs, it is all about changing the world. Read more about the most important features of successful [...]