
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Successful business models in Finland – case 1: Helsinki Foundation

The Helsinki Foundation - what is it? The Helsinki Foundation is a non-profit foundation established for the purpose of promoting the conservation of nature and the environment in Finland and in other countries. The Foundation [...]

By |Categories: Library, Successful Business Models|0 Comments

Succesfull Bussiness Model in Poland – case 1

Fundacja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości Społecznej "Być Razem" from Cieszyn (Foundation of Social Entrepreneurship Development "Be Together") Social Goals: 1. The activation of the unemployed and persons at risk of social exclusion through work and education. Creating [...]

By |Categories: Successful Business Models|0 Comments

Successful business model in Estonia – case 3

Uuskasutus (Uuskasutuskeskus) is a non-profit organisation to promote reuse and recycling. Their objective is to re-use or re-design old things, giving them new value and a new purpose. Whilst recycling mainly means reprocessing packaging, paper [...]

By |Categories: Library, Successful Business Models|0 Comments

Successful business model in Estonia – case 1

Merimetsa Support Centre's (Merimetsa Tugikeskus) main goal is to improve intellectually and mentally challenged people's everyday lives. There is also a fabric and textile shop which sells their goods at the centre and abroad. [...]

By |Categories: Library, Successful Business Models|0 Comments

Successful business model in Estonia – case 2

Federation of Estonian Student Unions (EÜL) main goal is to represent students’ interests on national level. Their main issues are student rights, educational and social issues. The vision of the Federation of Estonian Student Unions is [...]

By |Categories: Library, Successful Business Models|0 Comments

Succesfull Businessmodels in Lithuania – Case 2

Mamu muge (Moms' Market) is a social enterprise from Vilnius, Lithuania. The company has been established in 2012 with primary purpose to support young families by optimising sale and donation of second hand clothing for children [...]

By |Categories: Successful Business Models|0 Comments