
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline


Successful Business Models

//Successful Business Models

Business Model in Iceland: geoSilica

GeoSilica’s mission is to utilise waste from geothermal production to create a sustainable environment. The company geoSilica Iceland ehf. was founded by Burkni Pálsson, Fida Abu Libdeh, and Agnir ehf., pursuant to their final theses [...]

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Gloucester Services: Supports local communities and social enterprises

Gloucester Services is the first motorway service in England, that donates 3% of the financial turnover to local employment, job training, local communities and social initiatives. The social economic foundation Gloucestershire Gateway Trust, manages the [...]

By |Categories: Library, Successful Business Models|0 Comments

CoccoBello – Honey from Russian village

Cocco Bello produces organic creamed honey in a small village in the Ural mountains (Russia), where locals cultivate bees and hand-pick wild berries. Cocco Bello has won the Social Impact Award (Russia) for the project of [...]

An Application of the Corporate Company Models for Social Enterprise. An Article of Małgorzata Kurleto.

An article by Małgorzata Kurleto from Jagiellonian University in Poland - "AN APPLICATION OF THE CORPORATE COMPANY MODELS FOR SOCIAL ENTERPRISE (WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON POLISH CONDITIONS)"   This publication is shared to popularize the social entrepreneurship [...]

“BlindArt” from Latvia. The story of impact and success.

Social business is often confused with charity or social responsibility. Usually it happens, because impact from those are similar, however  social business makes impact by meeting social needs in long lasting way on society. It [...]

Video: Tutvu sotsiaalse ettevõtluse ärimudelitega kahe põneva näite abil!

  Sotsiaalsed ettevõtted teenivad raha selleks, et maailma paremaks muuta. Vaata lähemalt, kuidas sotsiaalse ettevõtte ärimudelit üles ehitada! Lisaks jagavad oma kogemusi Merimetsa Tugikeskus ja Eesti Üliõpilaskondade Liit. LINK Youtube´i keskkonnas asuvale videole on leitav [...]