
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline


Successful Business Models

//Successful Business Models

Successful Business Models in Sweden – case 3: My Dream Now

My Dream Now is a social enterprise which provides mentorship-programs with students. The organization inspires student to believe in themselves. "The belief in others and belief in himself is what makes change possible", is how the [...]

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Successful Business Models in Sweden – case 2: Retoy

Retoy is one of the growing social entrepreneurship initiative in Sweden that is a classic business case study. Retoy is an organization works with education and awareness about climate and social issues. Target group is kids. [...]

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Successful Business Models in Lithuania – case 3: Food Bank

Food Bank Lithuania is a typical food recovery and redistribution charity/social enterprise. It's a very effective organisation playing vital role in supplementing food options or the socially disadvantaged people across the country. Food Bank has [...]

Successful Business Models in Lithuania – case 1: Socialinis Taksi

Social enterprise Socialinis Taksi (Social Taxi) is providing subsidised taxi services to the disabled people in 3 largest Lithuanian cities. Part of their services are being paid by the municipality and the rest by the [...]

Successful Business Models in Sweden – case 1: Inclusive Business Sweden

Inclusive Business Sweden serves as a platform for creating awareness of inclusive business, facilitating collaboration between organisations, as well as for connecting and supporting organisations to create opportunities associated with the BoP. Purpose Inclusive Business [...]

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Successful bussiness models in Poland – case 3 “Jurassic Park in Bałtów”

Stowarzyszenia na Rzecz Rozwoju Gminy Bałtów „Bałt” (The Association for the development of the municipality Bałtów "Bałt") Social goal The development of tourism and economic in the municipality of Bałtów. Increasing the number of jobs, [...]

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