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January 2018

Freedcamp, Trello and Google Drive for productivity and effective collaboration

By |January 25th, 2018|Categories: Blog, e-Collaboration tools|

Technological development of 21st century is based on the needs, including those of communication and interaction. People innovate to create helpful tools and these tools, in fact, support new processes of innovation. The innovation is [...]


By |January 15th, 2018|Categories: Educational Materials, Library, Swedish|

NYA FINANSIERINGSFORMER FÖR SOCIAL INNOVATION En internationell utblick om impact investment Utgivare: Mötesplats Social Innovation (MSI) Rapportförfattare: Camilla Backström Verksamhetsansvarig för området Finansiering och Effektmätning vid Mötesplats Social Innovation. Camilla var del av det team [...]

Dar kartą apie socialinį verslą

By |January 7th, 2018|Categories: Blog, European Union, Library, Lithuanian, Support for SocEnts|

Europoje, kurios dalis esame ir mes, siekiant konkurencingos socialinės ekonomikos , socialinės inovacijos yra būtinos. Nors pastaraisiais metais daug girdima ir kalbama apie socialinį verslą, kuris galima sakyti ir yra socialinė inovacija, vis dar šioje [...]

December 2017

ABC I Social innovation

By |December 15th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

Sverige och världen behöver sociala innovationer och sociala/samhällsentreprenörer. Inte bara för att vi brottas med stora orättvisor och utmaningar. Utan för att sociala innovationer också skapar nya affärsmöjligheter och tillväxt. Om man kan tjäna pengar [...]

Reigniting creativity in the business

By |December 14th, 2017|Categories: Inspiration|

Creativity has never been more essential to competitiveness in the business world, but the critical approach to practical originality in organizations is often lacking. Alan Iny offers a key to think outside the box: apply [...]

A Guide for Social Entrepreneurs: Collect and Report!

By |December 5th, 2017|Categories: Blog, Educational Materials, English|Tags: , , , |

"Know Your Impact: Social Impact Management Tools for Young Social Entrepreneurs" is the project lead by Koç University Social Impact Forum (KUSIF), that works as a research and practice centre on social impact in Turkey. [...]