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December 2016

The report ‘Impact Investing and the Choice to Divest’

By |December 14th, 2016|Categories: Blog|

The report ‘Impact Investing and the Choice to Divest’ written by impact investors for impact investors launches today, in association with Triodos Investment Management and Wermuth Asset Management. […]

Outlook of social entrepreneurship in Portugal

By |December 9th, 2016|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |

Recently colleagues from Portugal have published a comprehensive report covering social entrepreneurship in their country. You can access the full report here.

Toolkit for running a social enterprise

By |December 7th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Educational Materials, English|Tags: , , |

Great support for every aspect of running your Social Enterprise in our free online toolkit by UNLTD UK:  http://ow.ly/UQGw306TqCD 

Eestikeelne ühiskondliku mõju hindamise käsiraamat

By |December 6th, 2016|Categories: Educational Materials, Estonian, Impact Measurement Methodology, Library, Project Outputs|

Sotsiaalsete Ettevõtete Võrgustik andis välja ühiskondliku mõju hindamise käsiraamatu nii eesti (LINK siin) kui inglise keeles (LINK siin). Õppematerjaliks sobiva raamatu autoriks on Jaan Aps, kes lisaks SEV-i juhatuse esimehe rollile on võrgustiku meeskonnas ka [...]

Brand new country reports on social enterprises, incl China and Germany

By |December 5th, 2016|Categories: Blog, News, World|

The SEFORÏS project is a multi-disciplinary, multi-method international research project on social enterprise funded by the European Commission. Through the generation of robust evidence and a focus on internationally leading research, SEFORÏS aims to better [...]

Ülevaade: Haridusalane toetus sotsiaalsetele ettevõtetele

By |December 5th, 2016|Categories: Educational Materials, Estonian, Library, Project Outputs, Support for SocEnts|

Veel mõne aasta eest sarnanes sotsiaalne ettevõtlus enamikus Euroopa riikides ”mustale kastile”. Kui avastati ja mõisteti sotsiaalse ettevõtluse potentsiaali finantsiliselt jätkusuutliku positiivse ühiskondliku muutuse loomisel, hakkasid uurijad ja analüütikud sellele tähelepanu pöörama. Kõigest mõni kuu [...]