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April 2016

Social Enterprise Planning Toolkit

By |April 14th, 2016|Categories: Educational Materials, English|

A practical guide on how to prepare and write a feasibility study for setting up a Social Enterprise by Freer Spreckley, Local Livelihoods, supported and published by the British Council in 2011. This Social Enterprise Planning Toolkit is [...]

InnoFrugal – doing more with less – Impact Journey 2016

By |April 13th, 2016|Categories: Past Webinars, Webinars|

Deepening inquiry for social change – Who, What and How?

By |April 12th, 2016|Categories: Reference list|

People all over the world are trying to work together in more collaborative ways in order to change things for the better – within their organizations, within their communities, and beyond. Through our consulting practice, IISC [...]

Platforms, Pipelines and Movements

By |April 12th, 2016|Categories: Reference list|

Back in 2007 the five major mobile-phone manufacturers—Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, and LG—collectively controlled 90% of the industry’s global profits. That year, Apple’s iPhone burst onto the scene and began gobbling up market share. [...]

Rekommendationer för offentlig sektor för hur man kan använda sig av verktyg för att stimulera utvecklingen av sociala verksamheter

By |April 12th, 2016|Categories: Educational Materials, Swedish|

Rekommendationer för offentlig sektor för hur man kan använda sig av verktyg för att stimulera utvecklingen av sociala verksamheter. ​Recommendations for the public sector on how to use the tool to stimulate development of social activities [...]

Anbefalinger til den offentlig administration i kommuner til effektive værktøjer, der kan stimulere udviklingen af socialøkonomiske opstartsvirksomheder

By |April 12th, 2016|Categories: Danish, Educational Materials, Project Outputs|

Sociale Entreprenører i Danmark har sammen med organisationer i Sverige, Finland, Polen, Estland, Letland Det Baltiske Hav og Litauen produceret en rapport med en række anbefalinger til kommuner i forhold til, hvordan de kan stimulere [...]