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February 2016

Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation

By |February 28th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Uncategorized|

"Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation—International Case Studies and Practice" is a new book by Ashoka Fellow and Tech Awards Laureate Ken Banks. The book is published 3th March 2016.   In the book thirteen entrepreneurs tell [...]

For social impact analysis fans: EU consultation on non financial reporting

By |February 26th, 2016|Categories: Blog|

The EU has just released a consultation (Deadline: 15th April 2016) in light of a Directive on non-financial reporting, which came into force in December 2014 and can be seen here in full. The Directive [...]

What’s happening in the field of social entrepreneurship in Finland at the moment?

By |February 24th, 2016|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , |

If I'd need to say it in one word, it would be this: buzz.  There is definitely a positive buzz at the moment in the field of organizations that are wanting to make a positive impact [...]

Top Collaboration Software products and how to choose them

By |February 20th, 2016|Categories: e-Collaboration tools|

What Exactly is Online Collaboration Software? Collaboration software can take many forms, from simple instant messaging, to conferencing and telephony, to video conferencing. Some applications may focus on a specific element while others try to [...]

The Global Social Entrepreneurship Network – GSEN

By |February 18th, 2016|Categories: Connections|

The GSEN is a new platform intending to facilitate collaboration between social entrepreneurs and to create more support for grass roots social entrepreneurs.  It will become a peer to peer support network for the incubation, [...]

The Skoll Foundation

By |February 17th, 2016|Categories: Support for SocEnts|

The Skoll Foundation drives large-scale change by investing in, connecting, and celebrating social entrepreneurs and innovators who help them solve the world’s most pressing problems. OUR VALUES The following core values inform our mission; guide [...]