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February 2016

Social Enterprise Sector Snapshot Around The Baltic Sea

By |February 16th, 2016|Categories: Educational Materials, English, Library, Project Outputs|

The study is available here: Social entrepreneurship final report One of the project “Social entrepreneurship development in the Baltic Sea Region” task was to explore availability of the education about social entrepreneurship and to assess other forms [...]

Guidelines to stimulate social economy

By |February 16th, 2016|Categories: Educational Materials, English, Library, Project Outputs|

Local authorities have an important role in promoting social entrepreneurship in every country. However, they do not always have sufficient knowledge and not always actively participate in promotion and support of social entrepreneurship. Often the [...]

“Social Entrepreneurs: Pioneering Social Change” film by Skoll Foundation

By |February 16th, 2016|Categories: Educational Materials, English, Library|

In 2009 the Skoll Foundation has completed a short film about the field of social entrepreneurship. Its a great overview of the progress made over the last three decades. It starts with Mohammad Yunus fromGrameen [...]

January 2016

7 free collaborative tools you can use

By |January 29th, 2016|Categories: Collaboration tools|Tags: |

Nowadays, more and more teams/companies are forced to work together remotely. But switching from a regular day-to-day work-flow to a complex and expensive project management software is very difficult to do. Have you ever struggled [...]

Prospecting the future

By |January 29th, 2016|Categories: Blog|

Prospecting the future’ is a new rapport from from Social Enterprise UK and the Access Foundation that shows that social enterprises in the UK, businesses with a social or environmental mission, are increasingly in need [...]

Social Enterprise Summit taking place in Vilnius for the 3rd time this April

By |January 29th, 2016|Categories: Blog|

Social entrepreneurs, private businesses, public officials and NGO representatives are gathering for the annual Social Enterprise Summit in Vilnius on April 13-14. The Summit is being organised and supported by the Ministry of Economy, the British Council, NGO Bee Hive and NGO Geri norai.  […]