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June 2020

Wistia for commercial videos – a perfect software for starting entrepreneurship online

By |June 16th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Collaboration tools, e-Collaboration tools, Play|Tags: , |

Wistia is a video marketing software that allows entrepreneurs to upgrade their webpages with professional videos in binge-watchable format to encourage viewers to spend more time with their brands. It allows to set up an [...]

Tøyen Unlimited

By |June 16th, 2020|Categories: Learn, Support for SocEnts, Youth|

Tøyen Unlimited is a neighborhood incubator that supports local enthusiasts with innovative ideas, in solving local social challenges, through the establishment and continued operation of revenue generating companies with ideal form and social purpose. TU [...]

INDIGISE project – adjusting to and supporting youth on socialenterprisebsr.net

By |June 3rd, 2020|Categories: Blog, Youth|Tags: , , , , |

The lack of visibility, specialized training, support network and infrastructure, as well as limited access to finance are the main burdens that slow down the transition towards social economy and interfere social entrepreneurs for a [...]

May 2020

Social Enterprise as a Mechanism of Youth Empowerment

By |May 15th, 2020|Categories: Learn, Library, Successful Business Models, Youth|Tags: , , , |

Liang Shang from the City University of Hong Kong and Yanto Chandra from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University have developed explicit research on the youth empowerment mechanisms applied in Social Entrepreneurship as a practice-based learning [...]

Social Entrepreneurship Incubation Program

By |May 12th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Inspiration, News, Support for SocEnts|

Meet Social Entrepreneurship Incubation Program, incubation Program that Supports Social Entrepreneurs on their Journey From Planning to Implementation as well as offering online courses and consultations. Their members in co-operation with The CARe Network offer special [...]

Business models for social entrepreneurs in a time with Corona

By |May 9th, 2020|Categories: Educational Materials, English, Library|

Tara Anderson has written series of three articles for Pioneers Post on social enterprise business models in a time with Corona. The articles works as a guide for social entrepreneurs to help them develop the [...]