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August 2018

Iceland´s social innovation accelerator closes applications 10 September 2018

By |August 31st, 2018|Categories: Blog, Support for SocEnts|Tags: |

Snjallræði (Smart Idea) Iceland´s first social  innovation accelerator will be closing for application 10 September 2018. The winning 7 teams will be announced at the annual Imagine Forum conference in Veröld - hús Vigdísar in [...]

9 Social Enterprise Business Models

By |August 28th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Successful Business Models|

Change Creator™ has identified 9 working social enterprise business models that bring value to customers. As they state, there are 3 measures that define if a business model in generalis successful or not: the model’s [...]

Общее введение в социальное предпринимательство

By |August 27th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

1.Введение в социальное предпринимательство 1.1. Общее введение в социальное предпринимательство Социальные предприниматели мотивированы желанием менять мир вокруг к лучшему. Это явление привлекает внимание как в отдельных странах, так и на международной арене. Если вы хотите [...]

The Pakistani ‘hyper-entrepreneur’ who started 10 companies in Sweden

By |August 20th, 2018|Categories: Inspiration, News, Successful Business Models|

Meet Naimul Abd, the self-titled ‘hyper-entrepreneur' who has gone into hyperdrive since moving to Sweden, learning to speak the language fluently and starting 10 companies in just four years. Naimul spoke about the different types [...]

The European Social Innovation Toolkit

By |August 13th, 2018|Categories: English|

The European Social Innovation Toolkit aims to support social innovators all across Europe to develop their ideas, and contains a set of tools and resources that you can use to transform your social innovation idea [...]

Develop new social innovations with Business Finland Innovation Voucher

By |August 10th, 2018|Categories: Support for SocEnts|

DO YOU WANT TO DEVELOP NEW SOCIAL INNOVATIONS?   Finnish Social Enterprise and a support service provider Impactor Cooperative can cooperate with you to apply for the Business Finland Innovation Voucher. If you are a social or [...]