
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




A Recipe Book for Social Finance – A Practical Guide on Designing and Implementing Initiatives to Develop Social Finance Instruments and Markets

European Commission prepared a guide that is intended to facilitate access to social finance by encouraging investors to provide suitable supply or build capacity for sound demand. While respecting the various organisational models and social missions [...]

What’s the relation between entrepreneurship education and innovation?

As part of the InDigiSE Erasmus+ project we would like to recommend you this hypothesis and theory article exploring the relationship between entrepreneurship education and innovation. 'How Does the Entrepreneurship Education Influence the Students’ Innovation? Testing on the [...]

Service Design Tools: for your design workshops

Whenever you need to develop a solution to some problem - let's say public service, product, or experience for your customers, you may need to ask your co-workers and potential customers for help. Service Design Tools [...]

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Milanote: for Brainstorming and Ideation

You know that the most inspiring ideas come to your mind when working with like-minded, trustful teammates in a light room with the walls full of colorful stickers, painted arrows, inspiring pictures and a buzzy atmosphere. [...]

“Hidden aspects of social entrepreneurship’s life: a content analysis”

What defines and motivates a social entrepreneur? As part of the InDigiSE Erasmus+ project we would like to draw your attention to this scholarly article by Ruchita Pangriya, who aims at explaining social entrepreneur's profile [...]

How to be a social entrepreneur?

For all those of you who think about becomming a social entrepreneur , we highly recommend watching a very inspiring speach by Andy Stoll at TEDx UIowa: [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8LVa9pb-n8[/embedyt] Andy Stoll -  a Senior Program Officer at [...]
