
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Tackling Green and Social Washing with Ethical Finance

This is the fourth and final episode of the miniseries Finance4Good. In this episode we introduce the ideas of green and social washing from the perspective of investors, and how the EU try to tackle [...]

Buying for social impact – Good practice from around the EU

Buying for Social Impact (BSI) is a project commissioned by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) and the European Commission Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) to promote [...]

How can social innovation and social entrepreneurship build the resilience of the future workforce?

With digitalization, globalization and an aging population the landscape of work is rapidly changing. Projections show that in the next 10 years in the workforce constant upskilling and digital dexterity will outweigh tenure and experience. [...]

Podcast on Impact Measurement, Citizen Participation and Governance

Welcome to Episode three of Social EcPodcast Miniseries – Finance 4 Good! In this episode we build upon the previous two episodes, in which we introduced the opportunities that citizens have to save their money [...]

Youth Upskilling and Experience Through Social Innovation

Watch this lively conversation with Estefania Fernandez, a serial educational entrepreneur, youth leader and polyglot originally from Spain. After relocating to Berlin, Estefania created her “Business Model Republic” Meetup group to connect with others. This [...]

DALBA – Beer that means more

Meet DALBA, social enterprise which is a part of NESs't Fund network which is investing in entrepreneurial solutions that lift people out of poverty. In spite of Poland’s strong economic growth, many find it difficult to [...]
