Massive Open Online Course for Future Social Innovators
After successfully piloted “Champions of Change” training course for facilitators of social innovation in Liverpool, UK in March 2018, partners of “Tomorrow’s Land” project introduce Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for future social innovators.
The MOOC is based on learning approach that combines theory, inspiration, practice, self-reflection and discussion with peers. It is designed as a journey, where learner has a destination to reach: collect ideas, skills and tools to foster social innovation idea.
The course consists of 7 Modules: 2 introductory paths that help in preparing for the “journey”, understand the context and explore the Tomorrow’s Land Map, and 5 main paths dedicated to exploring a specific aspects and competences that social innovators need to have in a backpack:
Module 1 | Welcome to Tomorrow´s Land – to understand the concept of social innovation in Tomorrow’s Land, Define personal view on social innovation and goals for participating in this training activity.
Module 2 | The Explorer Guide Intro – to consult the Tomorrow’s Land Map, refine own social innovation idea, that relates to any of 8 important “regions” of Tomorrow’s Land, define and select skills to improve, thinking about 5 profiles of social innovator: “Creative thinker”, “Connector”, “Implementer”, Catalyst for Change” and “Techie” >>>
Module 3 | Creative Thinker Path
Module 4 | Implementer Path
Module 5 | Connector Path
Module 6 | Catalyst for Change Path
Module 7 | Techie Path
Activities of the course aren’t scheduled, so one can take a time to explore, search for more and get inspired by specific themes. The resources can be used for individual learning, as well as for organising training activities within a group. All materials are now available in English, but soon other languages will be added for more people being engaged and facilitate from the course. It is completely free of charge and at the end of the course Certificate of Accomplishment is available for the whole course or only one or few specific modules of interest. Certificate will be released to anyone who has successfully completed the course by correctly answering at least 60% of the questions of the quiz.
The goal of Tomorrow’s Land project is to develop the next generation of social innovators fully capable of influencing and contributing to the development of a better, more inclusive and innovative society. In order to do so, Tomorrow’s Land will deliver a high quality MOOC to support the development of key knowledge and competences required for the future social innovators to succeed.
To know more, take a look on:
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) REGISTER NOW!
(Pilot version of the online course is available until 2nd of June. Afterwards some improvements and more language options are planned to be implemented)
Strategic Foresight of Tomorrow’s Land