Welcome to SE Network
Social Entrepreneurship Network in the Baltic Sea Region
of operation
per year
registered social enterprises

Webinar: Civil society making transition
The webinar presents two interesting civil society cases related to urban gardening, circular economy and community building. Participants can share and compare similar cases from their countries. The webinar is targeted at regional and local authorities, researchers, business and civil society actors that are interested in the role and engagement of civil society in enhancing sustainable life.
Our fantastic speakers are:
Tuomas Ilander, Founder of Blokgarden Community Garden
Lauri Mei, Paranduskelder community maker/repair space
Register as soon as possible/by 15 January via this link: https://link.webropol.com/ep/webinarJan2025
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Why to join our database?
You are welcome just to visit our platform, but why not to become even more involved? There are number of reasons, why to register and leave a foot print here. You will become a part of the network, and you will become visible. Good ideas of social enterprises build viable future, you are one of them, just let others also know about it. While being registered in database, you will discover more opportunities to find cooperation partners in neighboring countries, share best practices and develop exciting ideas into actions. Since you will be in a searchable database, it will let people know, that are open to being contacted about engagement and cooperation opportunities. Most importantly, by joining the network, connecting with people in the same area, you will become one of those, who care about positive change.
To register, simply enter data about your company and submit it here.
If you would like to make changes in your entry, please, contact us.
Check the Social Enterprises in each country by choosing them in the map below or view a list of all companies in the Baltic Sea region who joined our network.
Why to join our database?
You are welcome just to visit our platform, but why not to become even more involved? There are number of reasons, why to register and leave a foot print here. You will become a part of the network, and you will become visible. Good ideas of social enterprises build viable future, you are one of them, just let others also know about it. While being registered in database, you will discover more opportunities to find cooperation partners in neighboring countries, share best practices and develop exciting ideas into actions. Since you will be in a searchable database, it will let people know, that are open to being contacted about engagement and cooperation opportunities. Most importantly, by joining the network, connecting with people in the same area, you will become one of those, who care about positive change.
To register, simply enter data about your company and submit it here.
If you would like to make changes in your entry, please, contact us.
Check the Social Enterprises in each country by choosing them in the map below or view a list of all companies in the Baltic Sea region who joined our network.