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Social Entrepreneurship Network in the Baltic Sea Region

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CountryCompany NameContact PersonContact EmailWebsiteArea of Economic ActivityDetails
NorwayPøbelprosjektetLine Remfeldthilde.skramsett@stendi.nohttp://pobelprosjektet.noDetails
NorwayJegersberg gård Rehabilitering og kompetansesenterKristin Baatzkristin.baatz@kristiansand.kommune.nohttp://jegersberggaard.no/Human health and social work activitiesDetails
NorwayChosen ASRolf Henrik Karlsenrolf@chosen.nowww.chosen.noRetail TradeDetails
NorwaySocial Innovation Investors ASAnders Melhusanders.melhus@me.comwww.socialinvestors.coFinancial and insurance activitiesDetails
NorwayIda Sofie AugdalIda Sofie Augdalidasofie.mentoring@gmail.comwww.idasofieaugdal.noOther Services/ActivitiesDetails
NorwayMother CourageBitten Scheibitten@mothercourage.nohttp://www.mothercourage.no Human health and social work activitiesDetails

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