Pecha Kucha for social entrepreneurs – a way to present your ideas
Pecha Kucha is a presentation technique or method where you show 20 slides or images, each for 20 seconds (6 minutes and 40 seconds in total) – PechaKucha 20×20.
The presentation style was devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, architects. Why did they invent this new style? Because architects talk too much! The same problem is with everyone else how is making a PowerPoint slideshow.
This technique helps to keep your presentation short and focus you on your main message. Pecha Kucha inventors say that “Good PechaKucha presentations are the ones that uncover the unexpected — unexpected talent, unexpected ideas. Some PechaKuchas tell great stories about a project or a trip. Some are incredibly personal, some are incredibly funny, but all are very different“.
Take a look and get inspired to make a great presentation next time: PechaKucha Channels and PechaKucha presentations.
PechaKucha is a registered tradename of Klein-Dytham Architecture (KDa).