Eurocities: The role of cities in promoting social entrepreneurship

Eurocities: The role of cities in promoting social entrepreneurship

EUROCITIES has prepared a publication on the role of cities in promoting social entrepreneurship.

The report has analyzed good practices from 11 cities across the EU, among those Goteborg and Malmö.  The report looks into the tools cities use to promote support the social economy – funding, network of social economy actors, infrastructure and impact hubs – as well as the success factors, bottlenecks and challenges, and puts forward several recommendations.

Read the publication here

Trajectory for a social business
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Trajectory for a social business

The largest Russian bank Sberbank has opened the web-portal for entrepreneurs “Delovaja sreda” (Business environment).

It consists of a lot of business-related articles, educational materials and reports, both text and video.

For social start-ups, it will be useful to go through the describing of the trajectory of setting up the social business.

The best experts provide the step-by-step instruction for an entrepreneur:

  1. How to understand that you are an entrepreneur.
  2. How to find an idea
  3. How to develop a mission
  4. How to built a business-model
  5.  Where to get an assistance

The guide is published in Russian on the portal.


Крупнейший российский банк – Сбербанк – открыл портал для предпринимателей “Деловая среда”.

На нем размещены статьи о бизнесе, образовательные материалы, отчеты – как тексты, так и видео.

Для социальных стартапов полезно изучить траекторию создания социального бизнеса.

Лучшие эксперты описали пошаговую инструкцию для предпринимателя:

  1. Как понять, что ты предприниматель
  2. Как найти идею
  3. Как выработать миссию
  4. Как разработать бизнес-модель
  5. К кому обратиться за помощью

Статья размещена на русском языке на портале.

Ideas for social businesses
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Ideas for social businesses

Russian foundation “Our future” has opened the online platform to collect and share the ideas of social business. Any start-up or company can list their information on a project idea, business model, prototypes and results.

Portal experts select projects to share best cases, assist networking and community building.

Social entrepreneurs may use the portal also as an educational tool, discovering the projects and business-models, following the expert blog.

The portal also works with impact investors, providing them with market reports and financial data.

The platform runs in Russian and is available here:

Российский Фонд “Наше будущее” открыл онлайн платформу, на которой собраны  и доступны для ознакомления идеи социального бизнеса. Каждый стартап или компания могут разместить здесь информацию о проектной идее, бизнес-модели, прототипах и результатах.

Эксперты портала отбирают проекты для анализа лучших кейсов, содействуют общению и созданию сообществ.

Портал также работает с инвесторами, предоставляя им рыночные отчеты и финансовые данные.

Платформа работает на русскам языке по адресу

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Social entrepreneurship in Russia

The overview from Gendirector (CEO) magazine covers the general concept of social entrepreneurship in the Russian context.

Starting from definitions, the article continues with the examples of business models and ideas for business for Russian startups.

Gendirector also discusses how to measure the impact of social investments as well as where to get financing and consulting services for social entrepreneurs.

The article is published in Russian and available on the webpage of the magazine.


Обзорная статья в журнале “Гендиректор” раскрывает концепцию социального предпринимательства в российском контексте.

Начиная с определений, статья также описывает примеры бизнес-моделей и идей для российских стартапов.

Кроме этого, Гендиректор говорит о целях и методах измерения социального эффекта, об источниках инвестиций в социальные инновации, иной поддержке социальных предпринимателей.

Статья опубликована на сайте Гендиректора.

We have an idea!  An information package to young people about how to build a social enterprise
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We have an idea! An information package to young people about how to build a social enterprise

We have an idea! –website is an information package about social enterprise for young people as well as fasilitators / teachers.  


This comprehensive work package includes:

  • A guide to social enterprise, consisting of 12 articles on important themes in social enterprise idea and business planning
  • 6 social enterprise business cases
  • A 3-stage fasilitator’s/teacher’s workbook with many inspirational exercises to help youngsters plan their social enterprise

Materials are available – in Finnish – online as well as printable in pdf’s:

Meillä on idea – Yhteiskunnallisen yrittäjyyden opas  (Young people’s guide to social enteprise)

Meillä on idea – Fasilitaattorin työkirja  (Fasilitator’s workbook)

The site has been created by Suomen Setlementtiliitto. The contents have been created by a number of experts in the field. Partners include Social Enterprise Academy and British Council, and financing provided by Finland’s Slot Machine Association.


Meillä on idea! –sivusto on yhteiskunnallisen yritystoiminnan tietopaketti nuorille sekä heidän opettajilleen.


Sivustolta löydät kattavasti aineistoja:

  • Yhteiskunnallisen yrittäjyyden opas – 12 artikkelia, joiden avulla ideoit ja suunnittelet yhteiskunnallista yritystäsi
  • 6 kuvausta toimivista yhteiskunnallisista yrityksistä
  • 3-vaiheisen kurssin pitämiseen opastavan opettajan työkirjan, joka sisältää paljon innostavia tehtävivinkkejä opiskelijoiden yritysten suunnitteluun.

Materiaalit ovat saatavilla sekä verkkoaineistoina että ladattavissa pdf-muotoisina:

Meillä on idea – Yhteiskunnallisen yrittäjyyden opas

Meillä on idea – Fasilitaattorin työkirja

Sivusto Sivuston on toteuttanut Suomen Setlementtiliitto. Sisältöä on tuottanut moninainen osaajien joukko. Yhteistyökumppaneina ovat olleet Social Enterprise Academy ja British Council ja rahoittajana Raha-automaattiyhdistys.

Social Enterprise Summit to be held in Vilnius for the 5th time in March

Social Enterprise Summit to be held in Vilnius for the 5th time in March

The annual event which brings together social business experts, academics and practitioners from Lithuania and abroad in order to discuss the latest social business trends and growth opportunities will be held in Vilnius on March 28th.

Regarding 5th Forum organisers raise the priority to discuss a transfer of public services and its implementation in a partnership with social partners.

According Government of Lithuania public management improvement program until 2020 no less than 15 percent of public services performed by the state should be passed on to the social partners. Since July 1st, 2017 public procurement law was changed and instruments for implementation of the relevant policy was established. All this opens up new opportunities for social business initiatives to initiate and implement alternative and sustainable solutions for social issues.

Social enterprise summit consists of inspirational keynotes, discussions, networking and workshops, that aims to build a better environment for social enterprises growth in Lithuania.

Registration is open until 14th March here.

Summit program:


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An Application of the Corporate Company Models for Social Enterprise. An Article of Małgorzata Kurleto.



This publication is shared to popularize the social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region as part of the project “Social entrepreneurship development in the Baltic Sea region”, co-financed by Nordic Council of Ministers Programme, project identification number 17055.


Social enterprises are searching for new models to enable them to fulfil their missions. A new business models and strategies for social enterprises can be transferred from company models. However, in practice it is not always suited to their proven models of operation and therefore new strategies and methods demand a new innovative approach (Kurleto, 2014).


Please read the full article here:


You can also contact the author: e-mail:


Cite this article as: Kurleto, M. (2015). An application of the corporate company models for social enterprise (with special emphasis on Polish conditions). Szczecin University Scientific Journal, No. 872. Service Management, 15 (1): 57–65.

The Atlas of Social Innovation – Global Insight
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The Atlas of Social Innovation – Global Insight


The Atlas of Social Innovation is the document presenting social innovation in a wide range of countries around the world, collecting practices and experience from different regions. It delivers new intelligence on the diversity of social innovation approaches in different parts of the world used by practitioners, researchers and policy makers, reflecting the diversity, broadness and usability of Social Innovation, proving the variety of actors and their interaction and exploring the systemic character and concept of Social Innovation.

Download your Atlas of Social Innovation or its parts here


179349The first part Social Innovation Landscape – Global Trends reveals the importance of Social Innovation addressing social, economic, political and environmental challenges of the 21st century on a global scale. It demonstrates the need for Social Innovation to overcome the great societal challenges and social demands and presents a broad range of important topics that are essential for a better understanding of the key elements and the potential of Social Innovation. The articles explore new avenues and concepts of innovation, make use of new tools (e.g. design thinking) and form alliances with other streams of research and practice (e.g. sustainable development).

179350The second part Social Innovation in World Regions provides an overview of various types of Social Innovation in different local or regional settings. Looking at the different world regions Social Innovation has various meanings, can take different forms and engage a diversity of actors.

imagesThe third part Social Innovation in Policy Fields uncovers that Social Innovation is omnipresent in the policy areas of education, employment, environment and climate change, energy supply, transport and mobility, health and social care, and poverty reduction and sustainable development.

images (1)The Atlas of Social Innovation’s final part Future Challenges and Infrastructures demonstrates that social innovation processes and the underlying resources, capabilities and constraints are also very much related to the actors of the different sectors of the social innovation ecosystem (policy, economy, science and civil society). This includes a new role of public policy and government for creating suitable framework and support structures, the integration of resources of the economy and civil society as well as supporting measures by science and universities (e.g. education for social innovation performance, know-how transfer).

One of the most important insights of the Atlas is that given the strong need for Social Innovation highlighted by the various policy field experts, and, bearing in mind the drivers but in particular also the barriers for Social Innovation, a social innovation friendly environment still has to be developed in Europe as well as globally. By gathering the leading experts, the Atlas opens up new insights in the current trends of social innovation research. Building up a knowledge repository for a growing community of practitioners, policy makers and researchers it should open up new avenues to unfold the potential of social innovation in the search for new social practices enhancing a better future.

The Atlas of Social Innovation has been developed in a partnership of 25 organisation from all around the world within the project “Social Innovation – Driving Force of Social Change” (in short – SI-DRIVE). It is a research project aimed at extending knowledge about social innovation (SI) in three major directions:

  • Integrating theories and research methodologies to advance understanding of SI leading to a comprehensive new paradigm of innovation,

  • Undertaking European and global mapping of SI, thereby addressing different social, economic, cultural, historical and religious contexts in eight major world regions,

  • Ensuring relevance for policy makers and practitioners through in-depth analyses and case studies in seven policy fields, with cross European and world region comparisons, foresight and policy round tables.

To read more about the project, used methodologies and outcomes, click here.



Take part in the the Social Innovation Tournament!

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The Social Innovation Tournament recognizes and supports the best European social entrepreneurs. It is organized in a different country every year to reward and sponsor European entrepreneurs whose primary purpose is to generate a social, ethical or environmental impact.


This article we share with you as a part of the activities within a project “Social entrepreneurship development in the Baltic Sea region”, co-financed by Nordic Council of Ministers Programme, project identification number 17055.

All projects compete for the General Category and Special Category 1st and 2nd Prizes of EUR 50 000 and EUR 20 000 respectively. In 2018, the Special Category Prizes will go to projects focusing on sustainable development with special emphasis on circular economy.  Projects also compete for a residency at IRIS (Incubadora Regional de Inovação Social) and for numerous mentoring vouchers.

The prizes and mentoring vouchers are awarded by a jury of specialists from the academic and business worlds.

All finalists join the SIT Alumni network and benefit from numerous training opportunities, participation in conferences around Europe, and network with investors, venture philanthropists, and foundations who can help their project to scale.

For more information, rules and FAQ click here:

European Social Economy Regions 2018 call is still open!
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European Social Economy Regions 2018 call is still open!

If you think, that social enterprises need more visibility in your country, you should definitely submit your application to the European Social Economy Regions 2018 call! It is your chance to build effective networks of the social economy and social innovation stakeholders and to raise awareness about the social economy at regional and local level.

This publication is part of the project “Social entrepreneurship development in the Baltic Sea region”, co-financed by Nordic Council of Ministers Programme, project identification number 17055.

Apply until 28th Feb and use all the opportunities offered by the EU like:

  • having the European Commission expert for your event/ discussion depending on a selected topic/discussion language;
  • the joint visual identity of the European Social Economy Regions 2018 pilot;
  • promoting the local events through a dedicated website and collaborative platform and many more!


The European Commission Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Directorate General is launching a European Social Economy Regions 2018 pilot aiming at building effective networks of the social economy and social innovation stakeholders and raising awareness about the social economy at regional and local level. The pilot will bring together regional and local stakeholders, social economy enterprises, social innovators and policy-makers in order to promote added value and benefits of the social economy on the ground. Any public regional entity with links to social economy is invited to submit a proposal for organizing a local event in close collaboration with regional stakeholders.

Read more and submit your application here: