What Social Enterprise Is and Is Not
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What Social Enterprise Is and Is Not

What Social Enterprise Is Social enterprise is,  about using a market-driven business model to address critical social and environmental issues. Many people believe that a fundamental element of social enterprise – is collective ownership. Until we come up with a broader term than “social enterprise”, some would advocate for a broad interpretation that does not limit…

Urvaste Village Society – a promoter of traditional food in Estonia

Urvaste Village Society – a promoter of traditional food in Estonia

Urvaste Village Society is a NGO located in a small village in South Estonia. The goal of the social enterprise Urvaste Village Society is to ensuring a good living and working environment for local residents in local community. Urvaste Village Movement started to produce a finely milled flour mixture (the Kama). The Kama is traditionally…

Reverse Lavka – a local food supplier in Estonia

Reverse Lavka – a local food supplier in Estonia

The goal of the social enterprise Reverse Lavka is to provide Estonian farmers and small producers a food shop for Estonian people, a preferred and accessible option. Reverse Lavka wants to make Estonian eating habits more environmentally friendly and supportive of the (local) rural economy. In order to achieve the goal, Reverse Lavka purchases small-scale products…

Smart villages – a new way providing services in rural areas

Smart villages – a new way providing services in rural areas

European Network for Rural Development published a material about Smart Villages in May 2018. There is a full overview about the concept of Smart Villages, the meaning and importance of the concept. Community-lead actions are responding directly to local needs and opportunities and can be fully innovative. Social enterprises in rural areas with a high…

SEIKU – social entrepreneurship incubator in Estonia

SEIKU is Estonia’s first social entrepreneurship incubator located in Tartu, South-Estonia. The goal is to help local people, NPOs and other interested parties to start their own social enterprises. The main target group for the incubation program are people who are interested in social entrepreneurship and are willing to work intensively for 3 months to…