Alustava ettevõtja käsiraamat

Alustava ettevõtja käsiraamat

BDA Consulting OÜ ja Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutus on koostanud abimaterjali ettevõtlusega alustajale – alustava ettevõtja käsiraamatu. Käsiraamat julgustab samm-sammu haaval läbi mõtlema ettevõtlusega alustamise etapid alates ettevõtjaks olemise plussidest ja miinustest kuni äriplaani koostamise ja äriidee esitlemiseni välja. Raamatus on toodud ettevõtjate edulugusid, mis innustavad ja inspireerivad alustavat ettevõtjat.

Käsiraamatus on ka toetavaid sõnu sotsiaalse ettevõtlusega alustajatele – julgustatakse ellu viima ka sotsiaalseid või keskonnaprobleeme lahendavaid äriideid.

Käsiraamat on kättesaadav eesti keeles: Alustava ettevotja kasiraamat.

Sotsiaalse ettevõtluse tugisüsteemi analüüs

Sotsiaalse ettevõtluse tugisüsteemi analüüs

Tartu Ülikooli sotsiaalteaduslike rakendusuuringute keskus RAKE on koostanud sotsiaalse ettevõtluse tugisüsteemi uuringu (2017). Uuringus on analüüsitud nii Eesti kui ka teiste riikide sotsiaalse ettevõtluse tugisüsteeme ning on tehtud ettepanekud sotsiaalse ettevõtluse tugisüsteemi parendamiseks Eestis.

Uuringus on põhjalikult käsitletud olemasoleva tugisüsteemi elemente, sh regulatsioonid, juriidilised vormid, rahastusmeetmed, arenguprogrammid, võrgustikud jm.

Uuring on kättesaadav eesti keeles Riigikantselei kodulehel:

A strategy for developing young people’s social entrepreneurship

A strategy for developing young people’s social entrepreneurship

A new strategy has been completed in Estonia in 2018 – a strategy for developing young people’s social entrepreneurship, which aims to enhance and diversify youth entrepreneurship education.

The strategy was developed by Estonian Youth Work Centre, Estonian Social Enterprise Network and Ministry of Education and Research. The partners decided to develop a strategy to create an effective network to deliver the relevant trainings and consulting to young people and support them in starting up with social enterprise.

The strategy is available in Estonian: Noorte sotsiaalse ettevotluse arendamise starteegia

A web-based training course for social business advisors

A web-based training course for social business advisors

This training material is set as a self-study course. Learnes – business advisors – can apply for new skills to provide appropriate advice to social entrepreneurs.

This is a web-based training course, which contains 12 modules:

Module 1: Understanding Social Entrepreneurship

Module 2: Role of Business Advisors

Module 3: Structures for the Development of Social Enterprises

Module 4: Operational Requirements for A Social Enterprise

Module 5: Social Enterprise Sustainability

Module 6: Managing and Governing Social Enterprises

Module 7: Financing and Accounting Social Enterprises

Module 8: Business Advisor Professional and Personal Development

Module 9: Business Advocacy and Counseling Social Enterprises

Module 10: Communication with Social Entrepreneurs

Module 11: Business Advising Tools, Equipment and Material

Module 12: Consulting Toolkit


The training course and other materials were devised by SESBA project. SESBA (Social Enterprise Skills for Business Advisers) is an EU funded project under Erasmus+ strategic partnerships, aimed at

  • enhancing the profile of business advisors in order to better respond to the field of social entrepreneurship.
  • developing new training practices and consulting techniques
  • cultivating new practical advisory skills by business advisors in order to be able to encourage attributes of social entrepreneurship.

The consortium of a project was made up of seven partners from Greece, Italy, Malta, Bulgaria, Estonia and Ireland. The coordinator is Olympic Training & Consulting LTD from Greece. Militos Consulting is the Greek partner, Programa Integra is the Italian partner, Acrosslimits is the Maltese partner, Agricultural University of Plovdiv is the Bulgarian partner, QUIN-Estonia is the Estonian Partner and Limeric Institute of Technology is the Irish Partner.

This training course is available for free on the project website in five (5) languages (EN, BG, ES, EL, and IT).


A toolkit for social business advisors

A toolkit for social business advisors

This toolkit is for social business advisors or potential business advisors to improve the quality of the consulting and reach the additional value of consulting session. This toolkit is adapted to the social business advisors specially and contains 8 advisory techniques for groups of social entrepreneurs.

It presents alternative advisory techniques and guidance, that when successfully implemented in real life environments, help to support business advisors in providing effective consulting sessions to social enterprises.

The direct target group of the project are the business advisors, whilst the indirect target group are all potential or existing social entrepreneurs and local societies, stakeholders, chambers and policy makers.

The toolkit and other materials were devised by SESBA project. SESBA (Social Enterprise Skills for Business Advisers) is an EU funded project under Erasmus+ strategic partnerships, aimed at

  • enhancing the profile of business advisors in order to better respond to the field of social entrepreneurship.
  • developing new training practices and consulting techniques
  • cultivating new practical advisory skills by business advisors in order to be able to encourage attributes of social entrepreneurship.

The consortium of a project was made up of seven partners from Greece, Italy, Malta, Bulgaria, Estonia and Ireland. The coordinator is Olympic Training & Consulting LTD from Greece. Militos Consulting is the Greek partner, Programa Integra is the Italian partner, Acrosslimits is the Maltese partner, Agricultural University of Plovdiv is the Bulgarian partner, QUIN-Estonia is the Estonian Partner and Limeric Institute of Technology is the Irish Partner.


This toolkit is available for free on the project website in five (5) languages (EN, BG, ES, EL, and IT).

Direct link to the toolkit:

Pecha Kucha for social entrepreneurs – a way to present your ideas

Pecha Kucha for social entrepreneurs – a way to present your ideas

Pecha Kucha is a presentation technique or method where you show 20 slides or images, each for 20 seconds (6 minutes and 40 seconds in total) – PechaKucha 20×20.

The presentation style was devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, architects. Why did they invent this new style? Because architects talk too much! The same problem is with everyone else how is making a PowerPoint slideshow.

This technique helps to keep your presentation short and focus you on your main message. Pecha Kucha inventors say that “Good PechaKucha presentations are the ones that uncover the unexpected — unexpected talent, unexpected ideas. Some PechaKuchas tell great stories about a project or a trip. Some are incredibly personal, some are incredibly funny, but all are very different“.

Take a look and get inspired to make a great presentation next time: PechaKucha Channels and PechaKucha presentations.

PechaKucha is a registered tradename of Klein-Dytham Architecture (KDa).

Crowdsourcing platform Hooandja for CSO-s and social enterprises in Estonia

Crowdsourcing platform Hooandja for CSO-s and social enterprises in Estonia

The crowdfunding platform Hooandja started in 2012 and has grown to the biggest crowdfunding platforms of civil society in Estonia.

The mission of the Hooandja platform is to help of getting funding for activities and projects of CSO-s or creative businesses trough the platform. In addition of getting financial support there is also an option to get volunteers or other resources for your project.

The platform is waiting  social entrepreneurs and their projects and is ready to help forming an attractive project description, presentation, etc.

The webpage of Hooandja:

MAKIS – a roadmap for CSO-s in Estonia

MAKIS – a roadmap for CSO-s in Estonia

Consulting portal MAKIS, a roadmap for CSOs, helps to find quick answers to your questions regarding the establishment of an CSO and guides you through the complex world of funding opportunities. The website is available in Estonian, Russian and English language.

You can follow the main steps of the life cycle of a CSO:

  • The establishment of a non-profit association: the steps for establishment, the legal duties of a CSO, the memorandum of association, etc. There are several examples of documents available.
  • Accounting, reporting and taxes: the annular report, a special status with the Tax and Customs Board, which offers incentives for donators and also tax exemptions on several expenses (e.g. scholarships, grants, etc.).
  • Applying for funding and financial support: the list of donors in Estonia, also international grant options.
  • Getting support: NGO consultants in County Development Centres over Estonia.
  • Dissolution of a CSO: the dissolution process and necessary steps for that.

There is also a helpful calendar of terms and events to remind you upgoming events or deadlines.

For future information visit a website:

Support for young social entrepreneurs – The Changemakers Academy in Estonia

Support for young social entrepreneurs – The Changemakers Academy in Estonia

The Changemakers Academy is a social entrepreneurship competition in Estonia organized and supported by the British Council to raise awareness of social entrepreneurship, to combine native-speakers of Estonian and Russian, and give young people the opportunity to take the first steps in the Business World with the help of a mentors and social entrepreneur in marketing.

This competition is focusing on young people. Why young people? Young people are those who create the future. The end of the basic school and the beginning of upper secondary school is the time, which largely determines where the future is going to go. An inspirational example is the leader of Taxify – Markus Villigu, who was awarded the title of Young Entrepreneur in 2016 in Estonia. Nowadays, his is the youngest leader nominated in the list Forbes under 30. He opened his own company during his studies at a gymnasium. Now Taxify has expanded to more than 25 countries.

The goals of The Changemakers Academy are:

from each of the competitions within the 6 months one (social) company, at least three student companies or other entrepreneurial output will grow for at least every fourth young person.

One of the goals of the competition is integrate young native Estonian speakers to non-Estonian speakers (mostly Russian speakers). The Changemakers Academy brings together Estonian and Russian speaking youth to tackle the marketing challenges of social enterprises in their communities.


The competition includes:

  • Free training: marketing, analytical skills·       Personal co-operation with one inspirational social entrepreneur
  • Meeting the World changers social entrepreneurs from Estonia
  • Each team will have a mentor
  • On-spot community practice
  • The ability to reach the result from idea to action
  • New friends
  • A great additon to CV
  • Great awards and best participants will have a chance to travel to England

The programm will run for 5 months for participants.

First participants, 200, were selected from the pool of 600 candidates in the end of 2018. There are expected at least 150 (social) companies to start their activities after the competition next year.

The Changemakers Academy is upported by The British Council, Estonian Social Enterprise Network, National Foundation of Civil Society and Ministry of the Interior.

For future information please visit The Changemakers Academy’s websites:

Accelerating impact evaluation by Saila Tykkyläinen

Accelerating impact evaluation by Saila Tykkyläinen

This webinar gives you guidelines and tips for conducting an impact evaluation and getting the iterations of evaluation started.

How can the impact and social significance of one’s activities be evaluated? Where to start unravelling things, and what to do next? What does the impact consist of? These questions have been an inspiration for the development of Social Impact Evaluation canvas, the subject of the webinar organised on 22nd of May, 2018. The canvas tool has been co-created and tested with a wide range of startups, NGOs and social businesses. You can upload the canvas tool beforehand from Impact Business’ webpage.