MakeSense launched support fund for early stage social enterprises
And here is the awesome news! Makesense is launching its first investment fund for Entrepreneurs changing the world for good “Makesense seed 1”.
It’s one of the only pre-seed investment funds for Social Entrepreneurs in Europe! The fund has 8,2 millions of euros available. It was raised and built completely by the awesome co-founders of Makesense Alizée Lozac’hmeur , Coralie Gaudoux and Léa Zaslavsky. The investment committee is only composed of women and it’s going to help early-stage Entrepreneurs access funding to change the world using tech for good & communities! There s a real funding gap at the pre-seed stage at the moment and this is where the funds come in.
Thank you to the European investment fund, Caisse de depots, BNP Paribas, Vital emploi and the three amazing tech entrepreneurs including Marc-David Choukroun for investing in the fund!
Massive massive thanks to the European investment fund and its general director Pier Luigi GILIBERT for supporting half the fund and for coming to the launch event of the fund in Paris!
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