Social innovation: when business becomes a force for good
This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project co-funded by the Erasmus+, as our aim is to popularize social business and social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region.
Business Planet travels to Paris to see how one award winning company is making a big difference by turning piles of the city’s food waste into renewable energy.
Turning trash into treasure
For many businesses it is nearly always about the bottom line, but what about those socially innovative companies that decide to go beyond just making money, choosing instead to make a wider contribution to society? French firm ‘Love Your Waste’ is one such firm. Working with schools, hospitals, restaurants and food delivery firms in and around Paris, the company collects piles of food waste that end up in the French capital’s bins every day.
Explaining what happens to the waste once it is collected, ’Love Your Waste’ Co-founder Jérôme Perrin, said: “It (the bio-waste) is sent to be transformed into renewable energy, bio-gas, and organic fertiliser that is non-polluting for local agriculture.”
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