
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline


Yearly Archives: 2019


Asana – project management tool with creative features

The project management process is complicated enough, therefore more and more businesses and [...]

MakeSense launched support fund for early stage social enterprises

And here is the awesome news! Makesense is launching its first investment fund [...]

Pay as you go solar solution is expanding in Africa

This month marks nine years since Jesse Moore and Nick Hughes first sketched [...]

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Business model of sustainable knitwear company

A Lithuanian team behind sustainable hand made knitwear - The Knotty Ones decided [...]

Microfinance and Social Entrepreneurship axis of EaSI

This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project [...]

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SIT 2019: Europe’s 15 best social entrepreneurs selected

If you can create an impact you must. Fifteen finalists have been selected [...]

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Finding money to start a social enteprise

Recently we came across a handy article by Alastair Wilson from the School [...]

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Eco-friendly shopping bag Poko

Poko is the most comfortable eco-friendly shopping bag that has ever been made. [...]

Success story:

“It is impossible to plan everything for the journey ahead so go with [...]

The world’s school for social enterprise

Have you ever heard of Social Enterprise Institute, The world’s school for social [...]