Recording of the Social Entrepreneurship Summit in Lithuania on Impact Investments is available online
On May 7th a large group of partners has organized annual Social Entrepreneurship Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania. Due to ongoing quarantine, all of the proceedings of the Summit have been aired online.
Here is a program of the event:
10:00 Welcoming and introduction
10:15 Lithuania Social Entrepreneurship environment review – that has been achieved in 2019, Andželika Rusteikienė, Lithuania Social Enterprise Association (LT with simultaneous translation)
10:35 Social Finance – review of the environment in Lithuania, demand, and challenges, Phil Tulba, Tulba Consulting (EN)
11:05 Social investment global perspective, Mariel Vincent Andres Rapisura, SEDPI Pte. Ltd., Philippines (EN)
11:45 Break
12:00 Measuring social impact: good case practice of Finland, Katja Anoschkin, Finnish Association for Social Enterprises (EN)
12:40 Reach for Change incubator and impact investment journey in Lithuania, Jurgita Ribinskaitė – Glatzer, Reach for Change (LT with simultaneous translation)
13:10 Break
13:40 Social impact bonds model and application possibilities in Lithuania, Neringa Morkvėnienė, Ministry of Finance (LT with simultaneous translation)
14:10 Impact procurements model implementation in pilot municipalities – Kaunas case, Daina Kleponė, managing director Enterprise Lithuania and Jolanta Baltaduonytė, Kaunas municipality (LT with simultaneous translation)
14:40Social investment in Lithuania – an alternative instrument to support social innovations, Eitvydas Bingelis, Vice-minister of Social Security and Labour and Viktorija Krutulytė, European Social Fund Agency (LT with simultaneous translation)
15:10 Break
15:25 Panel discussion (LT with simultaneous translation): Investments to social innovation and interinstitutional cooperation
Moderator: Arūnas Survila, NVO Avilys
Eitvydas Bingelis, Ministry of Social Security and Labour
Ilona Javičienė, Ministry of Agriculture
Lukas Savickas, Office of the Government
Mindaugas Sinkevičius, Association of Local Authorities
Indrė Vareikytė, European Economic and Social Committee
16:25 Closing remarks
Here is the Youtube link to the video recording of the Summit in English and Lithuanian:
Organizers: Enterprise Lithuania, NVO Avilys, British Council, Tulba Consulting Partners: Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania, Lithuania social enterprise association, Pirmas Blynas