RIA Cyber ​​Protection Guide for Entrepreneurs

This week, the Information System Authority (RIA) launched a new cybersecurity campaign, ‘Be especially IT-conscious during the emergency situation’, which warns people about cyber threats related to teleworking. All tips for safe distance learning and working at a home office are gathered on the website www.itvaatlik.ee.

‘Due to the current emergency situation and the measures necessary to prevent the coronavirus, a large part of the Estonian population has switched to teleworking and distance learning, using a wide range of technical tools and platforms. This has created favourable conditions for cybercriminals to take advantage of insecure communication platforms chosen due to haste, careless data sharing, and the lack of face-to-face communication. That is why we launched a campaign which helps to reduce the risks of working from home under the ‘IT-vaatlik’ brand, which has been well-known already since autumn,’ said Margus Noormaa, Director General of the Information System Authority.

The information is intended for people who, in one way or another, come into contact with teleworking and distance learning. ‘Ole IT-vaatlik’ reminds computer users to check who they are emailing, update the software on the devices they use for teleworking, avoid suspicious attachments and links, and take care of their personal information.

Simple advice in Estonian and Russian for safe teleworking during the emergency situation can be found on the website www.itvaatlik.ee

The government supported the proposal to allocate additional funds from the reserve allocated for coping with the coronavirus crisis to RIA’s cyber threat prevention campaign ‘Ole IT-vaatlik’.


More info: https://itvaatlik.ee/kkk/



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