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Proposed Article: Drivers toward Social Entrepreneurs Engagement in Poland: An Institutional Approach

We hope that the proposed scholarly article related to social businesses will help you to find the necessary information in order to start your social economy-related activity. If you wish to know more about our “InDigiSE” Erasmus+ project or you would like to your social business initiative to be promoted on the website, just let us know. You can contact BISER Team or any other IndigiSe partner in your area https://socialenterprisebsr.net/partners/. You can read more about the project here: https://biser-en.org.pl/indigise-project-adjusting-to-and-supporting-youth-on-socialenterprisebsr-net/


Thus, this month we recommend you to read the latest article by Agnieszka Pacut, Department of Management of Public Organisations, Cracow University of Economics, 31-510 Krakow, Poland. This article belongs to the Special Issue Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Theory, Research and Practical Applications

email to the Author: agnieszka.pacut@uek.krakow.pl

Pacut, A. Drivers toward Social Entrepreneurs Engagement in Poland: An Institutional Approach. Adm. Sci. 202010, 5.

Abstract: The aim of this study is to identify the factors that influence the involvement of individuals in social entrepreneurship in Poland from an institutional economics perspective. The research is based on exploratory data analysis using qualitative data covering 22 interviews with social entrepreneurs and 10 representatives of stakeholders from Poland as well as observations and secondary data. By employing an inductive approach and a case study methodology, it can be stated that the involvement of social entrepreneurs is stimulated by a complex set of factors. Moreover, the results show the importance of the institutional environment for social enterprises in Poland, including the impact of formal and informal institutions on their development. The findings contribute to enhancing the knowledge on factors determining the establishment and development of social enterprises in Poland given the institutional economics perspective.

Keywords: social enterprise; social entrepreneurship; social entrepreneur; factors; institutional environment; Poland


Full article can be find here: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3387/10/1/5 or download it here:

admsci-10-00005-v2 (3)

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