
Connecting creativity and ecology in social commitment projects

MAMYWENE studio is an organization based in the grounds of the old shipyard in Gdańsk Poland, run by two energetic women. The studio specializes in ecological and participatory activities, creating social commitment projects and interesting workshops. It also helps with employee integration and implementation of the assumptions of corporate social responsibility.

mamywene logo

MAMYWENE aims at showing natural alternatives to cosmetics and cleaning products but also inspires to give products a second life through their creative usage and producing interesting, useful items.

In one of their social innovation projects I Pack to My Own, MAMYWENE encourages to replace disposable plastic packaging with their reusable counterparts by such activities like sewing shopping bags and conducting lectures. “Thanks to this, we reduce the amount of waste produced and we care for the environment, but also for our own health” says Alicja Żarkiewicz, MAMYWENE co-founder. The project received the patronage of “Gdańsk without plastic” which promotes ecological attitudes, taking care of nature but most of all reducing the amount of plastic used in everyday life.

fot. Małgorzata Walter

fot. Małgorzata Walter

MAMYWENE founders underline: “While working, we try to go beyond the schemes. That is why we combine education, creativity training and ecological approach in an interesting formula of fun and good time”.

fot. Natalia Zięba

fot. Natalia Zięba

The achievements of MAMYWENE studio were appreciated by IKEA, Energa, mBank, Radio Gdańsk, Pomorskie Science and Technology Park, Gdańsk Entrepreneurship Foundation, Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, European Solidarity Center, Institute of Urban Culture,  Centre for Ecological Information and Education and many institutions in the Tri-City.

The organization was distinct in Gdańsk City of Entrepreneurs competition in the category of Social Responsibility Business and got 1st place in the person category and the audience award in the Zero Waste Cups 2019 competition.


fot. Przemysław Świderski

You can read more about MAMYWENE here.

We hope that the presented social businesses will encourage you to start your own social economy-related activity. If you wish to know more about our “InDigiSE” Erasmus+ project or you would like your social business initiative to be promoted on the website, just let us know. You can contact Euroregion Baltic Team or any other InDigiSE partner in your area https://socialenterprisebsr.net/partners/. To learn more about the project go here: http://www.eurobalt.org/indigise-project-adjusting-to-and-supporting-youth-on-socialenterprisebsr-net/

The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.

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