Social Innovation Academy E-learning Tool
Social Innovation Academy E-learning is a freely available tool to gain theoretical and practical insights on what social innovation is really about. Complemented with tons of examples on social innovation initiatives and activities of social enterprises, learning material supports readers in reflecting on their own social innovation ideas.
After a short introduction on social innovation, various learning modules are presented to be chosen from. Practical examples, interviews with experts, skills, trends overview, mentor advice and glossary are available for free. Need some guidance and inspiration? Start with INTERVIEWS or EXAMPLES. Looking to get over the social innovation jargon quickly? Jump over to the GLOSSARY. Want to improve your personal abilities? Go to SKILLS. Looking for concrete answers to concrete questions? Head straight to MENTORING ADVICE. Want to see what’s been the latest developments in the social innovation field? Start your learning with the TRENDS. You can go back anytime, skip the parts that are not relevant or not interesting for you at the moment, mix and match. Start HERE!
“Get creative and learn exactly what you need.”
The aim of the present logbook is to provide guidance and support to those Social Innovation Academy learners and participants that want to begin their own initiatives. Learner can use what has been learned and apply it to the questions and assignments in this logbook. The logbook provides:
- an insight to your learning results through a set of self-reflective questions that can help you generate further insight into your idea;
- assignments that filled in and brought together into one single file will constitute the base document for your initiative or enterprise, outlining main features, story, business model and impact evaluation.
More information can be found on Social Innovation Academy Webpage.
This publication has been prepared within INDIGISE project. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.