The Study on Social Business Opportunities in Lithuania – Full Version Available
The Study on Social Business opportunities in Lithuania (prepared on 2019), analyzing the social business situation, tendencies and opportunities in Lithuania, evaluates: the legal basis of social business (forming the concept of social business entities, attribution criteria, forms, models and conditions of social business); social business environment – conditions / measures (creating opportunities for social business); applies to social business (applicable) social business impact measurement practice.
The first part of the study discusses the situation of social business in the EU countries in an overview the concept of social business in individual EU countries, an assessment of the importance of this business, areas, target audiences, characteristics of those working in social business. In the second chapter covers overview of the system of support for social business in the EU countries. The third part of the study analyzes the social business environment in Lithuania, analyzes the legal framework of social business entities’ definition, reviews the possibilities of financial and non-financial support for social business.
The fourth part of the study is dedicated to presenting the results of the research, which allowed to discuss and evaluate the problems of social business creation and development in Lithuania, as well as the social business ecosystem, together with an assessment of the measures taken to develop it. In the fifth part of the study, applying the script method, Lithuanian social business opportunities are discussed.
Comparing the situation of social business in the EU countries and Lithuania, both general tendencies characteristic of the social business ecosystem in the EU countries and specific opportunities for the establishment and establishment / development of social business specific to Lithuania have been identified.
The main challenges of understanding social business, uncertain status of social business and its business entities also lead to the emergence of an ecosystem unsuitable for the development of social business and sustainable operation of social business entities (for example, as the analysis of foreign experience has shown, a competitive orientation in the social business sector does not promote long-term, sustainable social business activities).
You can download full version of this study here.
P.s. Study is prepared in Lithuanian language.
This publication has been prepared within INDIGISE project. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.