Online Thinkathon Challenge #2
Online Thinkathon Challenge #2 is a series of events that aim to shape society and influence European and Canadian policy in 5 central areas of focus: racisms, health, climate change, gender equality, and education. The Challenge encourages to design modern and digitally inclusive solutions in teams of 1-4 and equips with mentorship advice, digital speaker series (webinars) with speakers from Canada and Europe, and offers opportunities to gain grants. In result, the best projects will be awarded financial grants (200-400 EUR per team member + audience prize).
What is the Thinkathon about and what are the steps to be taken?
YOUR MISSION | Connect online with young driven people from Europe and Canada and develop ideas for our future! Through your suggestions, show how technological advancements can change our understanding of society and how we can use digitality to build an inclusive community!
TOPICS | Choose 1 of 5 topics for your project:
Climate Change
Gender Equality
1st STEP: REGISTRATION AND IDEATION – until December 1st, 2020
The voting stage will take place between December 1st, 2020 and December 4th, 2020. Up to 50 teams will be selected to go through to the second round. The selected teams will be notified on December 4th, 2020.
2nd STEP: DEVELOPMENT AND MENTORING – From December 5th, 2020 to January 15th, 2021
Between January 18th and January 22th, you’ll have time to finalize your idea and prepare a five-minute presentation. On January 22th you will have the opportunity to pitch your solutions to the jury. Teams can participate in the online final from anywhere in the world, as the final will be held online.The final will be live-streamed, meaning that it can be followed by all participants and also by the general public, who will have the opportunity to vote on the projects to decide which team will receive the audience prize.More on the registration, submission, mentors, evaluation criteria and the project itself can be found here.