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Polish Certificate of Quality of Social and Solidarity 2020 awards granted!

The competition for granting the Certificate of Quality of Social and Solidarity 2020 is aimed at awarding those entities that successfully combine economic activity with social commitment. The awarded certificates will contribute to building the brand of specific entities and the entire social economy sector. One of the categories will also include local governments that stand out in supporting the social economy and promoting the ideas of social cohesion and solidarity. Due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the announcement of the results of the Competition will take place in the form of an online report, among others. on the website www.znakjakosci.mrpips.gov.pl and on the social networking site Facebook. The competition for granting the Certificate of Quality of Social and Solidarity 2020 is organized as part of the project System of certification with quality marks for social economy entities and local government units, co-financed from EU funds, implemented in partnership by:


Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy – the leader of the partnership;

Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego – partner;

European Meeting Center – Nowy Staw Foundation – partner.

  1. Competition categories


As part of this year’s – third edition of the Competition, certificates will be awarded in five categories:


  1. a) Category I. Debut of the year.


  1. b) Category II. The best employer.


  1. c) Category III. Market success.


  1. d) Category IV. PES project co-financed from ESF repayable funds.


  1. e) Category V. Socially responsible local government.

Here you can see the full list of 2020 award winners, including some entities already present in our www.socialenterprisebsr.net database! Congratulations! 🙂


This publication has been prepared within SENBS project No. 2020- 1-EE01-KA204-077999. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.

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