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Let’s do it together! Handbook for local collaborative social innovation

This handbook is written for, and in a Norwegian local context. It is namely the case that in Norway welfare is in fact created mainly locally in the country’s 426 (current) municipalities. It is therefore more meaningful to talk about the welfare municipalities rather than the welfare state in Norway.

Good collaborative social innovation work is characterized by the fact that people with different resources, experience and knowledge work together. In this handbook, we present key concepts and a model for collaborative social innovation with relevant advice and recommendations on how the model, and the knowledge it is based on, can be used.

A sense of reality and the practical relevance of the work are ensured by the fact that five municipalities with six specific social innovation projects have been linked to the project. In addition, a case from Denmark has been used as a reference model.

You find more information here.




This publication has been prepared within INDIGISE project. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.

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