Not a Lack of Funding
Lessons Learned from Alternative Finance Experts – A View from Spain
Lessons Learned from Alternative Finance Experts – A View from Spain
By Ljupka Janevska. “Social innovation is the process of developing creative ideas that will eventually ‘’grow’’ into practical solutions, which will improve the overall wellbeing of the community. The primary goal of implementing or designing a new social innovation is to solve different systemic issues that will hopefully contribute in increasing the enviorenment value. However,…
The Commission has published the latest edition of the Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) Quarterly Review, with a specific thematic focus on the gender pay gap among young workers, on occasion of the 2022 European Year of Youth. ESDE quarterly reviews periodically provide an overview of recent social and labour market developments in…
For over 20 years, IYF has nurtured young leaders as they tackle urgent social challenges in their communities. Today we are thrilled to announce the Strategic Alliance Initiative, through which IYF will partner with a consortium of social ventures from our network to drive impact and innovation on issues affecting people and the planet. This collaboration…
The European exchange programme for Entrepreneurs Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs helps provide aspiring European entrepreneurs with the skills necessary to start and/or successfully run a small business in Europe. New entrepreneurs gather and exchange knowledge and business ideas with an experienced entrepreneur, with whom they stay and collaborate for a period of 1 to 6 months….
This toolkit has been designed to assist organisations and individuals who work to help social entrepreneurs, from pre-start through to scaling social ventures. The toolkit can be used by anyone, though it is primarily aimed at those who are new to working with social entrepreneurs. This toolkit complements training provided by Impact Hub through the…
In recent years, we’ve seen a pretty revolutionary cultural shift from consumers, from one of securing the best product for the lowest price to one of searching out products that they know are kind to both people and the planet. Additional to that, consumers have been shown to relish the feeling of community that comes…
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